How does it make you feel?

How does it make you feel when a non-passing trans person is happy with themselves and doesn't care what people think?
Are you jealous?
Would you rather be non-passing and confident or passing and unconfident/unhappy?

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In happy for non passing trans people. As long as they’re not entitled little shits I give no fucks.

I just don't care.

>Would you rather be non-passing and confident or passing and unconfident/unhappy?

I am already the second one and knowing me I would never be the first one bc massive insecurities.

I'm the latter as well and can relate a lot, feels like other people's opinions are more important than my happiness

I have constant paranoic delusions, everybody says I pass so my brain thinks that my friends and parents are conspiring to kill me.

passing an unconfident/unhappy. it's not fun though that's what i am now. at least confident non-passers aren't afraid to do anything like i am from bdd and brainworms

like you actually think they're trying to kill you? People tell me I pass too but I think everyone can tell I'm trans and thinks I'm disgusting.

you want the truth? I'm grossed out

Ultimately passing is a secondary goal we assume is necessary for happiness. If you pass and aren't happy and can instead not pass and be happy, it seems rational to take the latter choice.

Good for them. They should be happy with themselves too. I’d rather be passing and unconfident.

Sometimes yes, like, a part of me believes me but another part thinks that they are either delusional or trying to hurt me by deceiving me into girlmoding. I also may have early symptoms of schizophrenia haha I should go to a therapist. Or maybe the paranoia is due to my insecurities and trust issues caused by my mom.

Young me seethed at them. Old me feels happy for them and wants to live in a society where people can be treated with respect even if ugly. But I would rather be passing and unhappy.

Yeah I'd say go to a therapist if you genuinely have delusions of people trying to kill you

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The thing is that when I talked about it to people no one could prove otherwise. Like, how can you know no one will hurt me for girlmoding? Bro we live in a third world country these people around us are as close to a monkey as a human gets. And people tell me that no one would actually hurt me because they have no reason to except they might. I have been an asshole to some schoolmates in the past and they are violent apes.

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Oh I thought you meant your parents were trying to kill you

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Nah my parents are decent people but idk I still have paranoid delusions so they might?????

i’m super happy for people who are able to see the person they want to be in the mirror despite how i see them. on the other hand, there’s something viscerally unappealing to me to be walking around like the emperor with no clothes.

>implying you pass

>Are you jealous?
kinda, absolutely not in an "i want to tear them down" sort of thing, more like i feel pathetic that i'm such a coward while someone else can actually strive for happiness, and despite adversity, succeed. i'll cry for a bit, then go back to permaboymoding while not coming out to anyone instead of doing anything about it.
also what
>As long as they’re not entitled little shits I give no fucks.
said. but that has absolutely nothing to do with them being trans/not passing.

I don't know if I pass, people tell me I do but I don't believe them most of the time. They might be right idk.

it makes me happy when people are happy with themselves :) we should all try to build each other up

Im happy for them until they try to enter female only spaces. At that point it’s not fair that their happiness relies on making other people nervous and uncomfortable

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