Has there ever been a 6ft tall passoid?

Seems like being a heighthon is a literall game over that no amount of surgery or cope can mitigate

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Do puberty blockers stop males from growing?

the last girl i dated before i transitioned was a 6'2 cute passoid, super fem, voice and everything

Sorry but I will nedd more than your opinion user
I was more asking about tranny public figures


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Teddy Quinlivan

I'm here.

She is actually 5ft 11 user...

Prove you are a passoid

hello i am a six foot passoid, tho it's slightly under, like 5'11 and a half

Prove you are a passoid(2)

NikkieTutorials is 6'3 and she passed to millions of people including more then one boyfriend.

if youre like intersex or were exposed to alot of estrogen
i could like maybeee pass if i starved myself
im 6 3 tho so i doubt it
i lost a fuck ton of weight tho and some muscle i think im not even big boned
it was all just muscle and fat

yeah shes vile tho lol
mega ultra liberal
she looks like my aunt but 10x worse lol
i guess she kinda passes but only with hollywood level make up
fuck any one that is a famous trans youtuber theyre literally cia agents
dont believe me ?
why do they all hang out with democrats


Thank god i'm just under 5'11. Hopefuel.

Took this pic last summer, before I hit 2 years HRT. I also lost weight since.

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Why am I able to just tell that you're transbian or at least bisexual?

Because I wear an obnoxious gamer girl tshirt?
I'm not sorry for it, and you're wrong. I'm asexual.

that's a software engineer