/gaygen/ - Family edition

Old: Do you want kids?

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No I’m not a pedo.

You really just put on a trip to make a new thread after not at all posting in last thread? Kinda weird, buddy

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best chracter coming through

I suppose you could say you're doing better then :)

Eh I will just jerk off on speed

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Hi did baku post bush yet

Gd is our queen

>you could say your doing better
I am health wise x3 socially I am suffering worse then ever though

Do you guys do drugs alone?

Health is more important ok


Time to do some coke off the blade of a knife

Boxxy will always be my one and only queen, R.I.P

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Good morning!
How are youuu?

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Who the fuck removes their pubes
Fucking woman

That's a lot of kids for those two dudes to fuck. Do you think they lend them out to the youth pastor?

boxxy more like cocksy

who the fuck is woef
its weird that gaygen and its spheres feel quite irrelecant to an adult working man such as myself
i wish those of the britsphere were more benign to the idea of meetups
meeting the british folk in cambridge was enjoyable and it would be largely more enjoyable for a second occurence in which i am far less bedraggled by the negative viviccisitudes of life's malice
alas none of the british folk seem particularlarly inturested in a vistation upon any meetup
foul results! nonetheless i am happy, i enter the world as whole

ive been posting for a year

I do.

yes bitch tell us all about how stable and happy you are!

i remove my butt pubes

Love I didn't understand any of those words x

> yes
Isn’t scary? And boring? To do it alone

i remove my pube butts

inside u rn

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christ no


sure, am pretty happy
lovin life
as am stable as i be while driving the country roads
taking corner's with ostensibly dangerous speed
yet passing through smoothly, at no risk to my roadly interlocutor, nonetheless
yes all is quite well on my side
and i hope similar can be said of my homosexual brethren

I wasn't talking about this last year, you really just did your first post these last hours a new thread. Weird

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no it's fine, in fact I prefer it for pretty much every drug except mdma

>did baku post bush yet

actually incoherent

Become a priest

That definition doesn't work.


dont care fag

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post penis


I want to do molly with you x3
It never makes me horny just sad

What’s up with all the new trips

who was baku again?

in concisenss: i have a profound sense of gratitude for those of which have granted me educational guidance in my adolescent phase of careerism, in turn i feel a joy
gaygen? huh? many plants flower in my garden its hard to keep track


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literally a pedo who wanted to chop kids feet off
just an urban legend tho

molly makes you sad? maybe you took too much, I did that recently and it wasn't pleasant


Imagine doing so well in life that you’re spending your Friday evening on Any Forums telling strangers how well your doing in life

girl what

whats molly
mdma is ecstasy right