Honestly, how bad is my frame? I get hugboxed elsewhere and I do not want that...

Honestly, how bad is my frame? I get hugboxed elsewhere and I do not want that. My shoulders and arms look fucking gigantic to me

Attached: 5B3FDF37-2294-4F8E-B27A-B31A91BD939B.jpg (948x1775, 695.6K)

why the fuck does everyone on this site mog me

i have a deep baritone grindy voice
im a hiplet and im shaped like a square
i have misshapen mantits
i have a masc face
i have huge hands and feet

you mog me to oblivion please stop ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Not too bad but your shoulders are very big compared to the rest of your body so you should wear pants/shorts/skirts that swing outward to counteract your shoulders. And always wear brighter coloured bottoms than tops

Okay sure ig idk what u look like but if I stand next to a cissie am I gonna look like a man

girl hips
tiny chest
avg looking shoulders
arms and hands look andro fem leaning imo

Detrans, simple as

Attached: image-1024x731.jpg (1024x731, 97.28K)

>but if I stand next to a cissie am I gonna look like a man

if i stand next to you im going to look like a man

Yeah I know my arms are a little thick still, I went anamode for a while to get rid of my remaining muscle there but I might have to again

>Detrans, simple as

i cant im 5'6

Is your BDD really that bad? Are you really that desperate for attention? You're delusional if you think that's an even remotely masc here. You BDD fucks are so annoying, I can practically see my brain due to how hard I roll my eyes lately.
Nigger, have you ever seen actual cis women and not fucking cartoons? All slim cis women have shoulders wider than hips.

Attached: 169043150_1183438488742597_1144700866386570843_n.jpg (1080x1918, 159.6K)

This. HRT should reduce the muscle around the upper arms and shoulders a fair bit. It will also add fat to OP's already girly hips.

You're going to do fine, OP.

you read as 100% female to me.


I’ve been on hrt for 3 years lol

Move to asia, problem solved

Oh. Sorry I was a bit stoned and missed the breasts. In my defence, they were blacked out. You're still fine.

this is a cis woman, OP is baiting you all and you're falling for it

I want to hold your hips

you have a very feminine body
i was going to insult you because of the attention craving and delusionalism but maybe you dont deserve it and you're really having a bad time right now i hope you feel better and love yourself

You are coping
Lucky trannies with good genes can look like this

I wish I looked like you :( You are so pretty.

this yea, when u gain weight and lose a bit of muscle you'll be kino
although, you could just gain weight to balance out your arms with the rest of your body

gain weight

Well thanks. People are being nice here and saying it’s not bad so maybe it isn’t. In really not trying to be stupid but my brain just is stupid. Maybe I’m a little pretty but I don’t have anyone in my life to tell me how I look, besides my parents who tell me I look like a freak so it’s hard to know

cissie spotted lol

She looks fine she doesn't need to gain weight
Fucking mutts

I think i look like shit too, because i have always been alone but maybe i dont look that bad or maybe i do and thats why im alone

i hate passoids i hate passoids i hate passoids i

I think you've got an incredible body.
I want to hold it against me.