Should i come out to my dad when hes drunk ?

1) if he hates me and says hell disown me I can say he misremembered in the morning
2) he's nicer I think, cant really hurt me but I don't think he will

is this mean? I came out to my mom 7 months ago but her reaction made me not want to come out to anyone

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Do you live with your dad? I'd say don't say anything until you're no longer under his control

im 18 and live with at two different houses but I'm also at uni half the time

meant to reply here

does your mum know, if not you could potentially get kicked out of both houses (assuming the other house is your mum's)

post coochie

there's no easy way to do it or to predict how they will react. It's like ripping a bandaid off. Only tell people shit when they're drunk if you're Irish. They have a long standing tradition of using way too much alcohol as group therapy.

why can't I?

Maybe if he's really drunk you can come onto him and if he reciprocates it means he accepts you.

You should dress up in girlmode and meet him for drinks. If he doesnt recognize you you should have sex with him and call him daddy.

read the post tripfag


Wrong. I'm a cis man who self inserts as the drunk dad :)


you can do what you want but it's not recommended. It is seen as rude

He will also come out as a persevered tranny. Its in the genes you know.

How to come out to parents:

1) Step one: Don't build it up, don't sit them down and ramp up their anxiety

2) step two: Sit there and answer their questions, but don't find yourself getting into an argument. Don't let them bait you into a shouting match.

3) Step three: A lot of parents like to feel like they have some control over big things in their kids life. Invite him to be a part of your transition and help you become the girl you want to be.

Step four: Whatever you do, don't put on the girls clothes in front of them for weeks. It's already shocking for them to be told that you wanna be another gender. But it's going to take a long time for them to kinda reprogram their expectations. They need time to undo decades of hopes and expectations for you.

ok idk im too scared to tell him I don't think I can do it I cant even accept myself why should I expect him to I'm so fucked

I mean, if you're trans you don't really have a choice. He's got all these hopes and dreams that started from when he was holding you as a baby, so most parents are never going to take it "well". but more parents come around than you would think. At the end of the day, they want you to be happy.

Just make sure he knows you love him, and that you want him to be happy too. That you aren't trying to take anything away from him- you're just trying to better understand yourself.

Understand those hopes and dreams are natural too. It's not that you failed or they failed, it's just that they were wired to do something and now it won't fully happen. In time they'll come around if they love you.

yeah. It's really important that he's told that you still love him no matter what. That he didn't fail as a parent and that, while you aren't 100% sure what you are/who you are yet, that you want him on that journey with you.