Tips on socially passing

what are some things you do to pass better socially? i don't mean obvious stuff like using feminine body language or learning about fashion and makeup, but little things that most people wouldn't think about.

when i was in college i had a guy friend who didn't know i was trans. the first time we studied together, he saw that i was using ubuntu and said sth like "wow, you're the first girl I ever met who uses linux, that's so cool!" it made me really dysphoric desu. :/ he later found out i was trans because someone was spreading gossip but i think if it wasnt for this he might not have believed it.

ever since then I only use windows with default settings. i dont even use adblock anymore because none of my cis friends use it. plus i get ads for makeup, clothes and girly netflix shows which is gender affirming.

what do you do to socially pass?

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Don't be dull

> Ubuntu
> Adblock
That’s basically normie


basically just be really incompetent at everything related to tech and suppress genuine hobbies or interests other than fashion/beauty, because of course all cis women are incredibly shallow and cannot be intelligent or interesting in any way
or just like what you like and stop being a conformist bitch (which admittedly is pretty fembrained, to your credit)

I get what you're saying but, at least at my HS, most guys are dumb sportsy himbo types and most of the girls are actually academically competent, so I don't think competence is necessarily malebrained

i'm a stealth (adult) gen z tranner who's terminally online with mostly girl friends so tech related passing is super important to me. don't use any linux os or modded windows os, literally the most "guy" tech thing i can think of. anything to do with coding that isn't roblox games (yes, seriously) is also a huge red flag.
for wallpapers, generally just use whatever you find under the search results for "*franchise/character/object* wallpaper" on google images, tumblr, twitter, or pinterest. same goes for icons, banners, etc. wallpaper engine on pc is good too, but for the love of god don't use some creepy oversexualized underage anime girl shaking her ass or something. if it has to be your waifu just make it a cute edit.
speaking of twitter and pinterest, USE THEM along with tiktok. i don't care if you're schizobrained and don't want to because of security and privacy or whatever. at least have an account under a throwaway email and unattached username to like + retweet things, i think even unsuspecting non-terminally online people would look at you super confused if you're under 30 and don't have at least one of them. pinterest boards seem like they don't matter that much but if they get brought up ever it's usually expected to do a casual show and tell. plus they're useful for aesthetics and cultivating your style anyways.
use adblock, it's normie and no one will care or notice so long as you're using chrome + google and not some weird browser like duckduckgo or something.
don't listen to this user, i have literally never met a woman with linux or any other type of "tech bro" software/hardware. even having an android could raise some red flags depending on how you pass otherwise. almost every girl (myself included) puts aesthetics and ease of access above functionality with tech.

unironically listen to this advice somewhat. gaming, cosplay, and figure collecting (to a limit) are "in" now if you're younger thanks to tiktok, but otherwise more "guy" sounding interests will definitely clock you super hard super quick. i can't really give advice because i've been into fashion and makeup since childhood, but at least try to be more fashion oriented and have a consistent sense of style that follows some trends. basically hobbies that are more aesthetics > skill are generally better for fitting in. art over science, dance/gymnastics/figure skating over sports, interior design/DIY over home reno, etc.
ignore the bitter hon part of the comment though, if passing is genuinely a concern of yours you have to make some changes to interests and hobbies. are cis women into those things too? sure. but they also tend to suppress them to fit in better socially and not seem like complete weirdos. you can't keep a malebrained "idgaf the world should conform to me" attitude and pass.

This but unironically.

Whyyyyyy maybe i feel different because i was introduced to linux by my cis female flatmate years into transition but this stuff seem a lot? Like as long as you're not cringe about it no one notices. How would people even know what operating system you use anyway? i generally find that my more masc interests only ever come up among women who are also into that stuff anyway otherwise we're probably talking about more fem shared interests.

look, if you want to be an uwu anime transbian who wears programming socks and streams speedruns on twitch, you do you. but some of us actually want to fit in with normal women in the real world. it's silly to pretend that men and women don't have different interests on average.

Being a tranny sounds so wack and constricting.

I like being friends with guys but they all end up hitting on me or catching feels. I don't want to be friends with woman if I have to fake my entire personality/interests to fit in, that sounds so fake and empty.

Why LARP as someone you're not? Just be yourself. We transition to be US, right? To live our truths. So be you.
t. MTF

most trannies don't give a shit about that and work in tech fields

reeeee not all of us are super sexist reeeee most of us aren't crazy like that reeee

I know, I'm pretty trans adjacent and pretty "male-brained". I respect OP's dedication to passing but contorting your personality to stuff u dont even like seems like a fucked existence.

Rather just take HRT and get FFS and identify as a dude if pressed but I understand that may make others uncomfortable.

i can see how it'd look like that from an outside perspective, but at least for me it feels mostly natural, just an unfortunate part of female socialization you try to take on and tolerate to fit in. at the same time though i've been like this since as long as i could remember and was the only boy in my family aside from uncles + my dad, so maybe it just seems less insane to me because i grew up trying to fit in more with female relatives.
it's not sexist to try to conform to what's expected of women socially. the standards themselves are sexist, yeah, but it's an objective fact that that's what's expected of most women and most trans people need it explained to them as bluntly as possible if they ask.
feel free to be an uwu skirt go spinny anime + tech obsessed transbian all you want, but when someone asks for tips passing socially going "just be yourself!" is the furthest thing from helpful.

>it's not sexist to try to conform to what's expected of women socially.
Its extremely crushing and sexist i think and also harmful to push fem gays into co--opting sexist stereotypes in order to fit in. Also harmful to GNC cis women.

I get that passing socially is largely a matter of self-preservation but don't act like it's some moral good and not sexist that women are expected to not have any interest in engineering, STEM, etc.

no one said it's a "moral good". it's just a fact that you will be seen as a weird outcast at best if you are a woman with hyper autistic male interests. (more likely you will be clocked as a tranny). social expectations aren't always rational but they do exist and you have to conform to them if you don't want to be seen as weird.

>not sexist
Being a tranny TOTALLY isn’t about propogating and reinforcing stereotypes guys! Haha…
Imagine actually taking this soul-smothering insanity seriously. Gender is a straightjacket, and the sooner we come together as society and do away with this horrible construct, we will be better off.

the act of conformity is not sexist. everyone who identifies as a woman is not signing up to be a political/feminist message that women are and can be just as good as and have just as much interest as men in STEM/manual labor fields. it has no moral implications, positive or negative, to be fine just blending in and letting others do the heavy lifting with redefining/breaking down stereotypes.
this is how literally the majority of women live, and if someone asks how to pass as an average woman while clearly feeling dysphoric about any sort of interests or traits that read more masculine, i'm going to tell them to the best of my knowledge how. i don't care if it doesn't account for feminism or could be read as sexist. i'm not telling anyone to stay in the kitchen keep their mouths shut and bow down to men if they want to pass, just be less open about traditionally male interests the same way almost every other woman with them is.

Sad that this seems to be brainworms the thread 2022 and no one is gonna follow this shit
honestly the modern white woman is not domestic anymore, hire an inmigrant maid with your bf's money if you really want to pass.

>it's just a fact that you will be seen as a weird outcast at best if you are a woman with hyper autistic male interests. (more likely you will be clocked as a tranny).
Just live somewhere where people care less about that shit and being eccentric is a status signal. I get it if you live in the midwest though

>the act of (gender) conformity is not sexist

>. it's just a fact that you will be seen as a weird outcast at best if you are a woman with hyper autistic male interests.
Only if you're ugly. If you're hot you're just a cool chick.