

Attached: Magdalene_Visaggio.jpg (848x1280, 742.14K)


>5yo twit
get a life

What’s up with the onionsboy to ugly transwoman pipeline and how do we shut it down?

Why? We need fewer basedcucks, even turning into an ugly tranny is a major improvement.

they got to dunkey, sad.

Attached: FHgOpkHWUAAae0v.jpg (1064x781, 57.42K)

Automatically doing the AGP smirk

Attached: agp smirk.jpg (583x949, 86.26K)

Did Dunkey go to the Bloodborne world?

oh shit, I hate that I do this

i fucking hate the smirk lol
they have 0 dysphoria its all a game to them
look at the fucking hon biden appointed lmao

>this tranny is a nondysphoric fetishistic freak!
>she smiled a certain way

Duping delight, they can't help themselves.

Attached: lily-cade.jpg (879x1317, 142.57K)

just imagine how powerful 4channel could be if we understood the fundamental attribution error

Watch out Dunkey! You didn’t kill Rom she just teleported away. Oh shit, oh fuck he doesn’t see her. DUNKEY NOOOOOOOOO

Is it bad that I kinda look like this?

t. cis male on hrt

that smirk is the demon who took over that mans body smriking at what hes done

I like her. What's the problem?

>passoid who looks better as a girl than a boy
What more does this board want?

not if you wanna be a rapehon transbian


But I like men and have long red hair and blue eyes