Daily reminder that you perpetual victims have suffered less than than any random person that was fat as a kid

Daily reminder that you perpetual victims have suffered less than than any random person that was fat as a kid.

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fatties btfo lmfao

>bullying is the only form of suffering ever
how's high school treating you champ

I am a fat gay retarded coon

>tfw bullied fat gay retarded nerds all the way from middle school to college, dropped out to be a trust fund neet
the game was rigged from the start :) just be born rich next life :)

They’re also less likely to be hired, given raises, promoted, etc than LGBT people.

There's just more fat people than gay/trans people so ofc there's gonna be a higher prevalence you absolute cretin

i was also borderline obese from ages 7-16. I'm doubly oppressed, take that dorks

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>mfw retarded poloids suddenly care about oppression when their fatrolls are scrutinized

I was fat, gay, and trans

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Kek same
Now I’m just fat…

Being fat is a choice

The venn diagram of fatties and trannies is just a circle

>more kids are bullied for being fat
>this means anyone trans have suffered less than anyone fat
The premise doesn't support the conclusion. You're either insane, unintelligent, or unable to read.

I literally was fat as a kid too,
Probably not wrong desu, i got waaay more shit and ostracisation as a fat kid/young adult than i do as a tranny (although i do look relatively passing).

I was the most swishy kid at my school and fat boys picked on me. The clique rough boys left me alone. Tuff boys pick on fatties and fatties pick on screamers and get a three day vacation

Way more than 41% of Americans are fat

>what they perceive to be the main reason that others are bullied
key info you're ignoring here

Good. Fat people should be genocided.

I've talked to over a dozen trannies from this board and I unironically have worse dysphoria than any of them because of being obese since I was 13. I am less stable and have more brainworms, and they end up talking me down instead of the other way around.

I was fat as a kid so I’ve suffered double