Most MtF seem to work in IT / programming / software developmet...

Most MtF seem to work in IT / programming / software developmet. The vast majority have sterotypically male interests like tech, anime, gaming, and are pretty much indistinguishable from men in their behaviour.

Most FtM seem to work in customer-oriented jobs. They typically have stereotypically female hobbies such as drawing, and stereotypically female interests. They too resemble their birth sex in their behaviour much more than the one they identify with.

Why are there almost no FtM who are into cars and programming? Why are there almost no MtF who are into crafts and Animal Crossing? Shouldn't it be the other way around? What is your explaination for that?

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basically everybody in gen z likes anime

>Why are there almost no MtF who are into crafts and Animal Crossing?

I'm an mtf artist into animal crossing
So we definitely exist
It is kinda weird tho

the only people who think this spend all day on Any Forums and don't go outside or make friends with people


Because most trannies aren't really trannies, and they would've been gatekept just decades ago.

Except for me, the one trutrans
Everyone else is a faker or a fetishist

I'm a MtF kindergartener, ama.

Too old.

If trannies got to express themselves more growing up and channel their feminine interests without being bullied, you'd probably see that more. We are just observing that most trannies were conditioned to never touch grass from a young age, lol.

> Animal Crossing
I’m into it but it’s a video game so does it really count?
I’m also into origami but does that count bc I also like anime?

> t. guess which one I am

>Why are there almost no MtF who are into crafts and Animal Crossing?
bro what lol

I was bullied for my feminine interests as a kid and just stopped doing them i would be a way more femme person now if it wasn't for bullying as a child

yeah i haven't had to think about it since like a decade ago in therapy to get on hrt but the only reason i even play videogames now is because i feel like i'm not allowed to do the things i like, i got my ass whooped for helping my mom in the garden as a kid. i don't even like video games it's just kinda habitual and i know how to get into them
that said if i was in a better position to afford/do the things i want to do i'd just start doing them but still hard to get over that mental block

There are quite a few trans women in tech, but there are disproportionate numbers of trans women in other fields too. Pic related (excerpt from Casey Plett’s Little Fish).

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Computer science is an inflated field in general because other subjects don't translate to a career so obviously.
No one is studying mathematics with aspirations to get a job as an engineer. No one studies biology thinking they'll translate that to marine biology or something. It's all so nebulous but comsci is analogous to a trade. Learn to code -> become programmer, learn carpentry -> become carpenter.
Degrees don't matter nowadays. Were over populated. Vacancy and experience poor. If your qualifications aren't a perfect fit for a vacancy? Fuck off or fuck the boss.

>No one is studying mathematics with aspirations to get a job as an engineer
i am doing this thank-you-very-much

>Most MtF seem to work in IT / programming / software developmet
I work in a STEM field because my family wouldn't let me go to school for anything else. I despise it daily. Most of us are in these sort of fields because of gender enforcement. Might as well say that niggers love to pick cotton inherently, so slavery is just letting them do what they love.

I'm mtf, straight, basic bitch office job, into cooking running sewing etc. we are not all malebrained weirdos, thats just AGPs and transbians

>using your feminine hobbies as a prop to appear more feminine than transbians who you assume have none
AGP moment

I craft stuff for my photography and Polaroid hobby and I like painting the pictures that don’t come out right to give them a personal touch

I rarely ever play video games anymore and I tend to only play them when I’m very stressed because they’re a good way of distracting myself

When I move out I’ll start sewing and painting more because I’ll have more room and I’ll start making cosplay stuff

t. mtf

>Why are there almost no MtF who are into crafts and Animal Crossing?
get off Any Forums and there are honestly too fucking many trannies in general that are into animal crossing

I mean, it's not just career choice / interests, although that is a big part of it.

Most trans people also seem much closer to their birth sex than the one they identify with in terms of general behaviour. There is a big difference in how the average woman acts, talks, thinks etc. vs. the average man, and I am not entirely sure that all of this is just down to socialisation alone. There are differences between men and women not just physically, but also psychologically/mentally. If trans people are opposite-gendered "souls" trapped in the wrong body, why do we not see any of that in the psychological/mental part for many or even most of them?

It just makes me wonder, if trans women are virtually identical to men in all but their desired physical appearance, and trans men the other way around respectively, what does being trans truly boil down to in the end?