How do I reconcile Christianity with being a troon?

How do I reconcile Christianity with being a troon?

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isn’t like the big part of christianity being willing to die for your beliefs like jesus? so like if you’re a troon then do it and be willing to die for it, who fucking cares if you get hatecrimed

Jesus was a tranny who practiced Magick

I don't see what the problem would be

Christianity is a 2000-year-old fairy tale. move on.

>Christianity is a 2000-year-old fairy tale
Even worse: it's a 2000-year-old system of Romano-Judaic social engineering

christianity at its heart is just following in the way of christ. everything after that is politicized metaphysics. there is nothing unholy about being trans, you can follow christ without any conflict

You just make up what you want to believe to fee cool like all religious people.

Oh no it’s this schizo again.

I've literally never posted about this subject on Any Forums before. Sorry for parroting the objective truth.

it is the truth, but that doesn't mean there is no moral or metaphysical meaning behind the story of christ

Romano is Damn good on spaghetti, you have good taste

You can be spiritual without subscribing to a particular dogma. If your relationship with God passes through Christ then good for you, I can't judge

Just build your relationship with Jesus and stop worrying. Everyone has been led astray one way or another. We’re not operating in ideal conditions and many of us are just trying to make the best of it

Be Buddhist instead. Buddhism isn't transphobic, and Christianity is basically just a bargain bin knockoff of Buddhism with more Jewish window-dressing.

god made you like this to test you
become the best girl you can be or you fail
thats the more positive outlook mine is that god has a cruel sense of humor and just tortures humans for fun

God wants me to be happy, I'm only happy living as a woman, therefore being trans can't be a wrong thing is how I cope with the theological aspects of it. The rest is honestly just another variation of the classical theodizy problem: If god good, why things bad? It's related to everyone not just transpeople and has been an problem since like forever.

Find a sect that isn't transphobic. They exist. Anyone who thinks Jesus would revile trans people is an idiot.

Or this. Some Buddhists even think Christ was a bodhisattva.

Im not even sure where christianity is incompatible with homosexuality or transition.
The spirtual aspects esp not. The only part that mentions against homo's is the jewish portion in the codified societal laws... really two different things.

Wash in the blood and be full of his love bb

The only anti-spiritual thing about being a tranny, is being close to being a woman.
Woman by virtue of there hormones are very much ensared by there passions. There emotions are much more vibrant, there joy and want of life is higher. Men can hit these same pitfalls but woman naturally fall into them. Now if living and enjoying life, your natural sensuality and passion is bad well, that's ok you can still study and follow a spirtual path, and enjoying life is a good thing.

Forgot but alternatively, Androgeny, of both mind and body may very well be a good spirtual path. As in many lines of thinking you are performing the most sacred of alchemy.

Being a tranny isn't bad, and very well be good.