
Enbies of Any Forums what are your identities? What made you decide you were enby?

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I'm danmakugender gender.fandom.com/wiki/Danmakugender

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Cause I feel like a space alien, not a human and humans have this weird ass fetish to categorize everything

I feel like a Demi boy/Demi girl gender fluid non-binary TransMasculineFemme

I'm like puppy I guess. Fluid I guess. Idk I am something that isn't a thing

I don't have a beaney

I realized being seen as a woman sucked but having a male body sucked too so idk I like being a feminine thing with a little bit of boy juice in me??? I like it. I am femboy girl male wife nothing everything thing

Oh I keep forgetting my trip

>what are your identities?
I don't really have a strong identity. I like the idea of being one of the one the bros, however
>What made you decide you were enby?
I had physical dysphoria that was killing me, but I didn't have the "I want to BE a girl" feelings that trans girls have, so I reckon I'm not a trans woman. Calling myself a cis man wouldn't sound appropriate, however, so I just call myself an enby.

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Sometimes I do wish I wasn’t autistic and was normal and or cis

>What made you decide you were enby?

felt dysphoric about my macusline features, took hrt and then felt dysphoric again after feminine features began to develop.
now i live as an abomination that is in between

I'm enbymoding on campus to avoid the kind of negative attention that binary mtfs tend to get. It's a lot easier to get by as a GNC androboy, plus when I see myself that way my feminine features are accentuated in contrast.

exact same pretty much, minus wanting to be one of the bros part

What is a demiboy?

>Enbies of Any Forums what are your identities?
if i had a clear answer for that i wouldn't be NB
>What made you decide you were enby?
two way dysphoria
also the fact that i don't care about the whole identity thing in general. can't relate to people who really value *being* a gender and having that validated by others

I don't know my gender desu, but I'd rather others identify me as more fem ig.


i hate the word enby and wish nb was the standard, autistic but it sounds too cutesy like 'girlie.'
>Enbies of Any Forums what are your identities? What made you decide you were enby?
don't care to have a name for it, but sometimes i feel like a girl and other times i feel like something else. i started out calling myself genderfluid but stopped when i realized labels were silly.

this is my identity

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>what are your identities?
i just present as and get gendered as a woman irl, present the same online to close friends but they call me he/him out of habit from my fakeboi phase. im just a guy hangin' out, no set microidentity.
>What made you decide you were enby?
mostly addled with body dysmorphia, which, curiously, includes my boobs and womb. if i could get rid of them i could. but otherwise im neutral/positive about things.

Is this where I go to redeem my feral enbywife and do they come with a manual?

Being a boy sucked so I decided I wanted to be a girl but then early on in my transition I realized that I don't really vibe with either binary gender. Zero interest in manhood, but now I'm disassociated from womanhood after all the stress and trauma of having to perform it as a full-service sex worker, so now I just, don't have a gender I guess, I want to be viewed as a genderless hot alien like Frieza from Dragon Ball Z. Does that make sense, or was that a word salad? Oh also also I identify a lot with Angel Dust from HH

>Cause I feel like a space alien
based and ETpilled

Being MTF inherently references being male whereas being enbie is genderless. I hope some day that people can't tell if I'm AMAB or AFAB.
Many MTFs on this hellish site are sexist pervs who will judge you as a transtrender if you don't have the same dysphoria but most of the enbies I know are cool lesbians and very accepting. Many binary trans people gatekeep being trans but enbies have no rules. Trying to be a binary trans woman is going from one mental prison to another but being enbie is true freedom, at last. I have boobs and a dick, and wear a mixture of women's and men's clothes. My lesbians bros are the coolest and don't treat me weird for being early transition but other trans people look at me weird or think I'm a trender because I still like men's clothes or because I wouldn't want large breasts.

>What made you decide you were enby?
bone structure doesnt pass