How well does she blend in amongst cisoids?

how well does she blend in amongst cisoids?

Attached: cast.jpg (1072x1072, 121.89K)

Very well, would mog the shit out of average -looking women

Her stylist has to hate her or something, her hair and makeup always look atrocious. She blends in fine though.

pretty well actually but you can tell they put her in the back on purpose and told her to angle-maxx. Another weird thing is that they cast all other girls to have very oval faces while hunter has a diamond shape. Kinda strange... it's like they wanted her to stand out.

i'm not sure who you're asking about so the answer is extremeyl well

yeah, it's kinda weird, as I just wrote, they told her to angle fraud and stay in the back but at the same time made her stand out for casting the rest as homogeneous kim k wannabe insta-thots.

Imagine being a troon and still the only one in the photo not doing a side pose
What a fuckin girlboss damn

Did they put bad makeup on her on purpose so she would stand out?

she really looks best with long hair down
they dressed her up as the girl from titanic and ii personally think it's the most she ever passed. bangs don't fit her

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she's the only one tilting he head down to make the face look shorter, the profile is also pretty clocky, that's why there's no side pose.

Attached: schafer side profile.jpg (1080x1332, 121.36K)

I mean clocky is the wrong word, but her nose is stronger than the other girls ones.

I want to kill myself so bad

Hard agree, when I first saw that scene my jaw dropped at how well she passed. That style of makeup with her hair down and away from her face makes her look incredible, I don't know why her stylist isn't pushing more looks like this for photoshoots.

Looks like spock

>that angle
you're a stupid monkey with somehow worse eyes than brains

so tell me how her head isn't tilted down then.
and how tilting the head down isn't classical tranny angle.

downwards head tilt is usually unflattering though

Rent free

She won

yeah but it makes the forehead bigger and jaw smaller, also somewhat shrinks the facial planes.

honestly from her recent real life pics, it almost seems like she's making an effort in trying to look more andro and tomboyish. which is honestly kinda based because she has the power to pass but doesn't care
or maybe you're right and this is just her agent/stylist making her look like this to mirror her appearance on the show (Jules was very clearly wearing a binder last episode)

Attached: hunter.png (1170x1137, 1.65M)

I'd rather fuck Hunter than the chunker on the left, but the rest of them are a step above her.

Even the fat fuck mogs her

Hunter is the future. The amount of hunter posts she inspires just by existing show this

Her sublime androgyny, her serene carefree ability to man mode boymode or passoid

She has literally transcended and left humanity behind, standing on the shoulders of countless hon creatures that paved the way, akin to Griffith from Berserk

Attached: D35DAAC2-C373-4AEE-8D60-C43B98FF1BEC.jpg (1667x2000, 375.56K)

which is all wrong because she doesn't need any of it, now she only stands out exactly because of the bad angle. Kinda like this user wrote:
>Her stylist has to hate her or something, her hair and makeup always look atrocious.

But then she probably has to constantly watch her bag.

Her character are is literally troon > boymode with. 1 hour special dedicated to underpinning her psychic apotheosis and meta attraction epiphany

>doing a side pose
Have you seen her beak?

Arc* not are....

>she has the power to pass but doesn't care
she cares a lot, she had her boobs done.
She now just milks the andro angle as long a she can while prepping for woman mode because she knows that she can't milk the twink thing forever and is to deep into trooning anyway. I bet you when she turns 30 she will have had BBL done too and look more chubby to legit milf pass.

Youngshit passoid androgynous transbian masterrace

remarkably good hair styling. that style is normally worn with volume on the top so if you smooth the hair down it practically makes your large skull disappear.

of course, like any type of hair frauding a stray gust of wind can easily ruin your look and make everyone do a double take so it's not exactly a good everyday style. it's great for a scene though.

Her beak is her best feature...,it’s regal and fits her face perfectly, I will be crestfallen if this ever changes

It's canon Jules stopped taking her hormones and is binding this season, so they've been masculinizing her with hair + makeup in the show. It could be a mix of both? Maybe being "masculinized" for euphoria made her realize she's more comfortable with androgyny than before, who knows. Either way she's super pretty in that pic but still looks terrible in the op despite being styled super femininely, so I think she just has a bad stylist.


Bangs don’t suit her, her facial ratios are too good for bangs, face blind stylist..

>how tilting the blablabla
because the fem angle (both cis and trans) is 45 degrees to the side and slightly tilted up to slim the face and emphasise angles + cheeks (youthfulness)
you couldn't be any more wrong if you so tried, facing head down emphasises forehead which is masculine which is meant to reflect her character in the show
literally look at the cis women in the picture
go to any cis or attractive trans womans insta, or any model pics, idk user
this shit is so simple and i hope you never post again and maybe get an eye test and an mri

She's literally dating Dominic Fike lmfao

Attached: u4JQE1A.png (672x1135, 817.81K)

holy antiquated expressions, batman.

but yeah, looks regal, if she didn't do the retarded boobs she would really be approximating irl Griffith by now.

Girl second from right also looks clocky. Something about the shoulder and underarm. You can see she has the same type of underarm crease that Hunter has


She's starting to look underweight, I hope she doesn't have body issues, she's so pretty

I meant she's not turning her body to the side like all the other cast. They've kinda hid her behind them but you can still see her shoulder width

She probably barely eats and douches a dedicated

It's the prettiest she's ever looked full stop, I hope she goes red for real at some point

Attached: 1643917990210.png (1061x1728, 2.1M)

She's a model, user. That's part of the job

why are you like this....

I hate fat women so fucking much

>tilted up to slim the face and emphasise angles + cheeks (youthfulness)
that only works if your head is actually broader than your jaw, which again is why troons don't do it, except if they pass like hunter which makes op pic weird for not using that insta thot angle.

She's hiding the width of her jaw, dork

Attached: 1638936372765.jpg (800x1202, 208.68K)

The blonde in the middle is the true mvp and Zendaya looks like a teenage Justin Bieber with a ran

Attached: 1611034130682.jpg (828x816, 550.62K)

Zendaya would make such a great pooner

so incredibly hot.

bottom right girl has a wide jaw
please just look

Cope harder degenerate, Hunter is for boys

Attached: FLXVI9LXoAETAYI.jpg (750x889, 106.57K)

not even a wide jaw

yeah, and it looks bad. your point?


No! Not like this!!!

d-does douching make you lose weight?

>facing head down emphasises forehead which is masculine which is meant to reflect her character in the show
looking down de-emphasizes the jaw, which is commonly considered one of the most masculine parts of the face, and emphasizes the eyes. it only looks masculine on her because she has a masculine skull, there's not much you can do to hide that as a tranny.
>literally look at the cis women in the picture
they're being shot from below user, of course they're mostly going to be looking down. if anything hunter looks weird trying to do an upward glance at a camera below her

the rest of the women in that pic are models and they still have more facial fat

damn, feels so bad to never have done some bowie shit like that in my teens.

>clocky profile
Go outside

Just showed it to cis men who don't know the actresses. Near instantly and unanimously clocked.

I agree she looks incredible as a redhead and in this picture but wtf is up with this pic? Why is it so uncanny when you look for too long? It's like someone made a silicone replica of her face with resin eyes
Actual brainworms if you think Alexa Demie looks anything like a tranner

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No , she probably doesn’t eat much to stay clean and not give shitdick. So it’s a side benefit if staying thin as a model.

It's stiff competition, to be fair