Does your mom love you even though ur a fag?

Does your mom love you even though ur a fag?

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yes but that's because she's deep in denial about it

She says she does

but then she'll lament at how different I am nowadays, how I'm not her big strong boy anymore. She'll passive agressively comment on my body and clothes and hobbies and that I'm not religious and that I like boys and

she just loves the idea she has of who I should be

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i sometimes feel bad about being the only son and trooning out, i don't really care about the bloodline thing and i have other siblings to deal with that but i have trouble accepting that i'm taking away my parents' only son. especially my dad, he's a shy guy with not a lot of good friends and he says he'll support me but it's clear he wanted something else

Based mom

Yes, she introduced me to my bf

the one with the stace is the pooner right? why are pooners so easily clockable? legit looks like a girl with a short haircut and a stache for some halloween party or something. pathetic.

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that mom is resentful as fuuuuuck

What sentiment is the caption supposed to express? She seems happy in the image but the text is so overly sombre it makes you think she secretly hates her life deep down...

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because the skullerino

most people secretly hate their lives deep down
we're just the only people based enough to admit we hate our lives

Insincerity. Issajoke.

That's why you dont boof on birth control pills until your thirties with 3 abortions on the side and also why you be sure to make more than 2 fucking kids
Fucking hubrismus

She's probably a bit disappointed, but if she is she hides it 1000x times better than my dad does.

My parents don't know I'm bi and they shall never know.

you are you, not he wanted you to be. He didn't create you, he raised you. those are different.

Also based

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Thank you.Keep holding on brother

>be a repressed homo/tranny or be married to one
>shit out kids
>the kids are homos and trannies
>but it's the kid's fault
what did boomers and genx mean by this?

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LGBT people get kids all the time. What's with cishets and always claiming we will end their bloodline? I will have 4 biological kids at least with my partner

>white people be like

well LG & T have a way lower fertility rate than cishets (and cis bi), but it's true that nowadays i see more and more lesbians and transgenders with biokids (not so much gay mens tho)

Oh really I've always seen more G's with biological kids than L's. Oh well, nothing but a anecdotal observation.

that's probably because surrogacy etc is illegal in my country, and gay men have been more or less culturally accepted for a long time on top of that so there isnt much "father of 6 comes out as gay" type of situations