Do trans women believe in God?

Do trans women believe in God?

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if there is a god then he is a fucking cunt

Some do
I believe in God

I kinda used to, and I kinda still want to. But it's kinda hard to force yourself to believe something lol

I feel like I'm far from the only one who was up late at nights secretly praying in tears for God to turn me into a girl... so no after that and getting nothing and then all the shit and pain that came after, I realized if a God was real he'd not be worthy of worship anyway because letting people go through that is fucked.

kinda relatable

if there is a god then he must be cruel, this board serves as a perfect example of that

If there’s a god, it’s a sadistic asshole and I hate him

Mr. God wants to be entertained.

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i’m one of the anons you replied to and this is cracking me tf up lol

yes, but he doesnt believe in me

What does God think of comedy?

God says...

nevada chill what_was_I_thinking eh close_your_eyes you're_fired battle whiner ridiculous white_trash ordinarily you'll_see if_and_only_if oil industrious incredibly humongous astounding handyman so_let_it_be_written yuck cosmetics we_ve_already_got_one bad hotel insane laziness because_I_said_so you_don't_like_it Zap commanded smile

If there is intelligent design then it's malevolent
Why make it hurt? Why not not make experience range from ecstasy to boring or just interesting to boring instead of from ecstasy to agony?
I know too much about the kind of pain the human body is capable of experiencing to believe anything else; if there is a hell, they got the idea from this place

Oh yeah and then never mind the fact you can't even consent to any of this, you're just dropped into the shit and then even if you kill yourself or die naturally it doesn't undo what's been done, just overwrites it with something else, you will have suffered for all time, and from your own perspective, for all of time
fucking ridiculous this gets painted as anything other than eldritch sci-fi horror nightmare shit

Yes, but in a hermetic way.

Not really, but i’m still a catholic. God may or may not exist, but the church genuinely does good things, and if you take the teachings to heart they will generally make your life better. I just like being part of a community focused on doing good. Even if god doesn’t exist, we do, and thus we have a duty to do our bess!

I don't have an opinion on the question, God is not a big part of my life, neither is religion

this is bad logic. why would God owe you what you desire? If there is an all-knowing all-powerful intelligence that is responsible for your existence, I would imagine it sees more of the big picture than you and is just giving you what you need even if its uncomfortable

>big picture
That's human thinking in terms of scales and perspectives. The divine sees everything from every perspective all at once and suffuses being at every point in space and time, and since it is also infinite, nothing is too small or too big for it to notice and fully sate.

i'm aware. you just described "the big picture". Levels of perception that are so far beyond our own we can't comprehend the logic tying events together. I don't really see what you're arguing

yeah. in a gnostic way for me. fuck the demiurge for giving me a male body when sophia gave me a female soul. at least im not a hylic

god didn't answer my prayers


You're not aware at all. The divine isn't limited to being ONLY big picture or having to ration being in some way since it is perfect and infinite and all encompassing. The divine isn't a boss running the company, it's every employee and every asset and customer and transaction that company ever has.

I believe in some sort of higher power but no religion in particular speaks to me

Why doesn't God stop kids from getting raped? Who would want to spend eternity being forced to serve a rape enabler?

lol. you're literally arguing semantics what I call the big picture is no different than what you're describing. big picture just means the highest abstraction which is literally what God is

why is that the only conceptualization of an all-powerful being you have? Seems pretty ridiculous to think God is going to save us from every ounce of pain just because it exists

I believe in Buddha and Zeus to al lesser degree.

Yes I love God and he made me a woman

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