Mtf x ftm is the purest form of love


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That's so cute I'm gonna cry I need an st4t bf to hug me and hold me tight

Based as fuck, very jealous.

fr fr I need a ftm bf so fucking bad

Het T4T is gross, weird, and ugly. It creates strange, uncanny couples who do not truly love each other and would prefer if cishets loved trannies. Just a weird cope.

i'd date one thats taller than me that would be hot

t. 5'6 mtf

I'd probably date a ftm

transbians and cis straight fash men only please

How do I (ftm) get my bf to transition into my gf? Slip e in his food? I want to have a based st4t relationship

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You're the one coping, it's nice to be in relationships with a partner, that understands where you're coming from.

>it's nice to be in relationships with a partner, that understands where you're coming from
yeah but this thread isn't about t4t transbianism :^)
only androphilic faggots who can't get cis men date pooners

ya, my brain is just rotten mush

Cis men are nice as well, but being this insecure about dating another trans person seems like a giant cope to me tbhon. Feels like using relationships as tool for getting self validation, instead of an actual healthy basis.

you are both pretending/deluding yourselves to be trans. you are just cishets who are "amazed" that someone gets you like the opposite sex. I bet you are 19.

I'm not even in a relationship with an FtM, I just think it's ridiculous to be that negative about it. It's like some elementary school level coping mechanism, where you hope that the big mean guys won't bully you, if you become the bully, but end up looking like a opportunistic tool instead.

it's not cope
trans women are hotter than cis women and they don't do/say the kind of stupid shit cis allies would

but the trans geometry fits better than trans x cis relationships though

You're nails are really pretty. Can you post more of your hands?

if you're just settling for a ftm and would prefer a cis guy, don't bother, trans guys deserve better

absolute goals

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you should post the actual hot st4t couples instead

i want it so bad

all the gigapasser trannies i know constantly mock pooners so this post seems like a cope to me tbhon

i am realistic

one too few dicks to be t4t

You two are kinda cute to be honest