Vote for the most hated tranny on this board

Me, Olive, or somebody else? Idk much about Olive all I know is people really don't like her.

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i dont know who i hate the most but i can assure you i love herbs

I hate you. I hate olive more.

There's also that trip who killed a Hon in canada. They post here saying what they did was based.

Nobody hates you, you aren’t ugly or annoying

you suck but olive is worse

olive unless you also stabbed your gf?

Yeah they did it for me. “Low impulse control” fuck off

dam someone give me the rundown on olive, evidently this is a story i need to hear

It has to be Vieo, people will hugbox the shit out of an annoying trip like Olive or Sophie/"Persephone" but Iv never seen Vieo post without people being ruthlessly mean to them for no reason.

I think he-who-must-not-be-named is constantly searching for mention of his name because he scarily shows up and derails every thread he comes up in. it's kinda freaky.

definitely warrants a nomination for most annoying individual, imo he wins it too, this was for most hated tranny specifically tho

people were surprisingly easy on me in my passability thread, which i assume isn't hugboxing since everyone detests me


some spurned lover or whatever leaked discord messages with olive where she talks about threatening her gf with a gun and also stabbing her. picrel is olive admitting to threatening gf with loaded guns.

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>everyone detests me
I've never even seen you post before and I'm always here.
You must not ever say anything memorable.


i'm the nonop-hater and i have a complex relationship with diy hrt (kinda contemplating attempting it, also kinda think its a retarded and irresponsible idea im just retarded too), i do not support the informed consent model

so yes, people don't like me

she doesnt. shes annoying and retarded and super boring

Nobody is going to detest you in like the 2 days you've been here. People don't mind telling Olive how passable she is, and to hope out hope, despite her posting women hate, pedophilia, general hatred towards other trips, annoying bdd posts,, this stabbing/abuse saga, etc for what has to been nearly a year now.

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You're very opinionated for being a sheltered lil' cunt you are.

i don't hate you. I just think you're a fuckin' retard

i think i get quite a bit of hate here tbqh

my god olive seems to be quite the saga, gonna need to do some chrischan level documentation of her

They should hate me though

Hmm. You're not too insufferable. You're still unfiltered, take from that what you will.

I do think you're BDD. Frankly you never shut the fuck up about how much of an ugly hon that you think you are. (you're not too bad, I think you're cute, you just never STFU)

literally who even are you lmao
also I'm not bothered by Olive cause she at least has some personality
Hatchan is the one who really needs to go touch grass and stop being a huge bitch all the time