/gaygen/ - being outside is nice edition


Any plans for the upcoming long weekend? Is it warming up already where you are?

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i'll never play lost ark


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Hehe monke

chimps r ugly

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>bottom is over 24
>bottom has a hairy hole
>bottom is rude
>bottom can’t cook
Huge nope

Uma delicia

Rate my shitty fanfic excerpt

>Reading more than 5 lines of english
are you insane

yeah, basically


i will go back to look for weed butts

sigh kk

cis only thread please depart


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*collides my wet fist with your face*

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how to get over dick envy as a gay cis man

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he must be bi right?

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Just don't care about dicks

Also I never read a good story with werewolves except the time when Sauron fought the elven hound in werewolf form

bisexuality is gay erasure

bisexual men are gay men who think they pass as straight and are willing to repress and date women to not be socially shunned as much

what makes you think im a tranny, except to annoy me

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>they pass as straight and are willing to repress and date women
sounds based

thats fine we read for different reasons

oh i wrote that btw if it wasnt clear

Can someone please be my valentine?

Thanks for giving me more reasons not to read that :^)

me done gn babe im sleeping now

imma try to put my phone down


gayjew u are a trans women who thinks she passes as cis and is willing to repress and date fat femfags to not be socially shunned as much

but bis are still trash tho

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You can you support the misrepresentation in the lotr movies?

Galadriel is supposed to be like 6'8 and super buff

impossible task