Chasers, would you a 1970s trans gf?

Chasers, would you a 1970s trans gf?

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Women like this were classy. Completely lost to time. I dont like the direction trannyism is going with all the surgeries and this hyperfixation on passing. It takes away their uniqueness.

What's the difference?

Unlike a current year trans girl, she can drive a car.

isn't that holly woodlawn

as referenced in lou reed's walk on the wild side

No I wouldn't date a geriatric

Looks like a skinny version of olive


pic, with warhol

Attached: IAQWINIKTWCPAVSUYNNZMWX4EM.jpg (800x1179, 110.25K)

Would you a 1900s trans gf?

Attached: imperial traps.jpg (640x360, 46.55K)

my 23yo trans girlfriend is from the 1900s

This looks like a /passgen/ meet up

imagine the smell

people will fill the void

FFS is great, but some people are okay looking intermediate

hell yeah brother

women like that used to be indistinguishable from gay men. they'd work as hookers, do drag, and then die of aids, not exactly the picture of class

Yea sure if she time travels to current year

No, I'd recognize her from pictures. I'm quite hot if you like very feminine passoids

Holly had a theatrical look but she was bog boned and rather masculine looking

Quit trolling. No one wants your nudes.

>used to be
>trannies think we don't know they are gay men
>but somehow we can fire you from your job if you admit you know we are gay men by calling us he

homophobic scam!

OPs pic is an anorexic gay guy contorting his body to hide his male frame

his hair is obscuring his face partially

Attached: womanhairup2.jpg (548x900, 62.5K)

nyc in the 60s/70s was the peak of trannyism
meet your plug at warhol's factory, pass out at some off-off-broadway avant garde show, somehow make it to your appointment with your rich hubby that you're simultaneously blackmailing in league with gangsters

>pass out at some off-off-broadway avant garde show
7 different NYU students keep trying to pester you into doing a role in one of their own shows