6'0, 180 lbs, in a 6 figure career mid 20s. The standards for women are crazy high nowadays...

6'0, 180 lbs, in a 6 figure career mid 20s. The standards for women are crazy high nowadays, it makes me want to just cut my dick off to officially remove the possibility of sex ever happening so I can move on with my life

It sucks, especially with women cuz, like, the only pleasure we even get as men from sex with women is the part where we imagine ourselves in their place and vicariously enjoy ourselves through them. The fact that we have to move mountains and they STILL get the better end of the deal is frustrating as fuck.

I dont know anymore, its so stupid...

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You wanna be a women being ducked by a man? Idk sounds pretty gay man

>”I’m totally not a repressor, I just think being a woman is obviously superior”

find a tranny and pay for her ffs, they are better than cis anyway

cismisogyny is gross

I feel so sorry for all these women thinking they’re fucking a normal straight guy who likes fucking pussy but they’re really fucking some future hon pretending to be the women whilst having sex. Why even have sex with her at that point? She deserves a real man. The reason straight men are obsessed with pussy is because they wanna stick their dick in it not bc they’re fetish coomer trannies

please be a larp, please be a larp, please be a larp

>the only pleasure we even get as men from sex with women is the part where we imagine ourselves in their place and vicariously enjoy ourselves through them

Why are you wasting brain power thinking about women with high standards that have nothing to offer themselves? Focus on the well adjusted girls out there that deserve your attention.

Is that not normal
I agree. The left really is ruining the country with their reversed racism and misogyny and sexism, while I do accept LGBT folk or whatevs... It just comes off as creepy or gross when a joke like that is said. Or I might just be autistic lol
Im not lying
Hm, sounds smart. Thanks user with triple dubs!

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>>Im not lying
You are. I can not believe someone could be this much of a tranny and not realize it

You're stuck being straight and fucked. You'll never have the pleasure of being gay.

>Is that not normal
That is literally the textbook cope trannies who fuck women pre-transition adopt. Imagining yourself being her getting fucked. It's a cliche.

Just transition????

Troon out now before you waste anymore time, it'll only get worse.
You are totally repressing. Nobody imagines being the girl when they fuck pussy. I just think about how good my dick feels and how much I love her.
You hate LGBT stuff because you are. That's how psychology works. If you aren't satisfied with your life you lash out at the things you don't like about yourself, but embodied in other people.

I'm already aware that I used to do this but I had no idea it was a textbook thing

Same, 6', 80kg and msc in engineering. No 6 figs but it's getting there.

Guess where I can't get? Womens pants

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So what im gathering here is, like, uh everyone is telling me to be a trannoid

But I, like, dont think I hate my body or something... Its just I....

I forgot what I was about to write, but no

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>It's another Any Forums tranny who got brainwormed into both hating women and wanting to be a woman.

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Would you like your body more if it were more feminine? Doesn’t mean being a woman

Shut up moid and work harder to make me happy I owe you nothing and you owe in everything

Maybe it's just cope because I have no great aspirations and I'm happy to live by modest means as I do, but I would want a gf that wasn't motivated at all by money.

You’re definitely agp
Whether that makes you a tranner is up for debate among some

date someone who makes as much as you then, like a coworker or something. If she has her own money to spend on whatever then you know she’s only with you because she likes you

Literally such textbook tranny repression it's not even funny.

sick copy from the other thread

>muh cismisogyny wahh wahh
When you inevitably troon out, you'll get it. Right now you have only lived life as a well off man, so you don't truly understand a lot about gender, and the world.