How do I lose my belly fat?

How do I lose my belly fat?

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Assuming picrel is a selfie you just took, I'd suggest cutting out pizza. Too many carbs.

I love pizza but I cut it already

go to /fit
read fat loss general for advice
read fat people hate for motivation

I’m quite slim, there’s still fat I’m not losing in there although I’m basically starving

you cant target a specific area for fat loss
To lose belly fat, you have to lose weight
If your genetics are screwed and your body keeps a perma-bod there, you have to either build your glutes/thighs to look thick or do lipotransfer to your boobs

I lost 28 lbs over 6 months and feel like nothing on my belly went at all, or just not as much as I'd liked. I think belly fat is one of the last areas to go. I got bored of dieting though so now I'm bulking and building muscle. Vacillating between dieting and eating while weight training seems to be the way to go, you'll hold on to whatever muscle you build and can stop yourself grinding to a complete halt when you get bored of your routine, it's working for me so far.

Don't follow retard advice that tells you to do shit like eat 1000 calories a day for week. Your body adapts to that and gets better at retaining calories. Slow and steady does it with diets.

Forgot to mention muscles burn more calories, so having more muscle mass only makes your dieting phases easier.

I’m a tranny, having muscle mass make me go crazy

Fembrained. A little muscle mass is going to make you look miles better, and you're not going to lift weights for a few months and suddenly turn into Arnold Schwarzenegger.

What exercises should I do that don’t touch in any way either shoulders or arms?

We're all trannies here
Cis foids have thick thighs and butts, we dont
To be like them, we have to build the muscles in our thighs and butts specifically
Hit the gym, do hipthrusts, squats, lunges and hip abductions
Lift as heavy as you can
Dont train any of your upper body regions
Eat lots of protein
Go up to like 24-25 bmi, then cut back down again to 21 bmi
You will look infinitely better

How do I know what my bmi is?

You'll have to do lots of reading to learn how to bodybuild properly, so get started on that

Right now I have a bmi of ~21
> hit the gym
Forgot to mention, I’m broke

Well, you can look for a cheap barbell bar and weight plates on amazon or something
I live in a 3rd world shithole where transition is banned, so I cant go to a proper gym, I built a "home gym" which is just a barbell bar, a bench, and 120kg worth of weight plates, very basic stuff

Just keep the idea of bodybuilding in mind, you don't have to start now. And if you do start, its fine to start with just 1 exercise and basic equipment
Progress >>> Perfection
In the meantime, you can cut down to like 19 bmi, but you're probably gonna look very flat at that weight

>Go up to like 24-25 bmi
Is this step necessary? I have a bmi of 16 and I feel like it'd take me years to get that high

You mean reducing it without doing any exercise?

Yeah, if you're absolutely broke, you can do some bodyweight exercises, but they won't do much to your hips size-wise
Cutting down 2-3 bmi or so will probably flatten your belly somewhat, but without proper training, it will flatten your boobs and ass too

What body weight exercises?
Also, if it’ll flatten my belly then when I gain fat again won’t it go to fem zones instead of there?

That's fine, even if it takes you 3-4 years, you'll be glad you did it
You have a great starting point at 16 bmi, because you get to put on weight very slowly and with proper training, its gonna be mostly muscle in your hips/thighs

> What body weight exercises?
Same ones I mentioned before, just without weights:
Hip thrusts
Hip abduction
Check this to learn the proper form for each exercise
Anything from the hip/thigh section will help, but the 4 I mentioned are the basic ones