/gaygen/ - mountains nearby edition


Where do you plan to travel to when the weather warms?

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i got a fortune cookie that said im going to travel far and win a fortune so im considering ibiza. but boy would it be embaressing if i lost am i right ladies

thats what ive heard but the problem is that she is me except kristen bell is gross and im not

This is why I'm going to vote Trump a 3rd time in 2024. We need a big beautiful wall to keep your kind out.

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>tfw no orc bf

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let's be frank: low hanging balls > plump balls

>Im going to illegally immigrate to the United States

>GayJew shits up /gayjen/ because nobody on his server talks to him anymore
lol based

masc supremacy

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but im fem4fem

whats he lookin at

Your obese and jewish. GayGen's literal nazi is getting two houses while you sit at home ripping off your parents. Sit down

his tattoo

do you think he regrets it

would you?


i went for a nice hike today along a creek

im fat but fit

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We both know you aren't fit

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gayjew was once assaulted by a gang of middle schoolers because his shirt matched his "electric bicycle" (mobility scooter)

it has poor visual clarity; its too dark and shapeless
it doesnt really take advantage of the arm

why are you being such a hater?

disagree, nothin like have a nice tight pair of balls

i think i can see a teepee in the tattoo, which is like cultural appropriation or something

these are strong accusations to make against someone unable to defend himself

holden gets his balls tightened weekly

holden can't sleep unless he ties a knot around his balls.

thick, solid, tight

funny you say that I am nearly at 50 hours no sleep

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texanon can't sleep unless he's knotted

U should sleep

notice the lack of knot around your balls

Honest thots on running for congressional office in 2024?

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Disagree? Well, that's you, and I'm sorry
I'ma keep playing these cats out like Atari

i don't want to cut my balls off :o

would if i could

>50 hours no sleep
stop doing drugs wtf.

45th AND 47th

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I bleev in u babe, you can do it

I stopped like 8 hours ago :P

you are trans you should not be here

this a thread for gay MEN

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assuming trans people can't be gay is incredibly problematic