Teehee lesbians!!

>teehee lesbians!!
Why are all white trannies like this?

Attached: EzlUq0BUYAAA4uy.jpg (657x1200, 121.6K)

its just a silly webcomic

this is at least a little funny, but yea most transbian memes are pretty cringe

Idk what you think is wrong with this

Now I'm just wondering how interactions with trannies younger selves would usually go
I'd probably start crying tbhon

Also is she white tho?

nothing wrong with that cartoon. are you a chaser or a seething darkie?

Good point, she could be irish / american

i would inform him of hrt and that trannies arent just bolting on fake tits and cutting their dicks off

Attached: A7F4B813-A663-47C5-BACE-CD4D08C86E49.jpg (827x1347, 269.91K)

You look like young Crowder in this pic.

i can kinda see it

Attached: 4AA54314-8F90-41D4-B586-E0CC075C011A.jpg (2448x3264, 766.31K)

Yah that's pretty based but my younger self had no idea I was trans
Just really wanted to be a girl would probably tell younger me how much of an idiot I am

this, this is literally all it would have taken for me to avoid probably a good 16-20 years of additional suffering and masculinziation if I had started at like 10-14

If I started when I first found out I would pass so much better ;~;

Yeah same. I'm still waiting to get out of my parents' house to start taking hrt, don't wanna risk murder. It's been 9 years since the initial baby trans "pre-everything" phase

That's depressing

White trannies are either liberal retards or tankie psychos. 99% of the "anarchist" ones are actually libs. White people are so privileged that when they realise they are a minority feel the need to look for a chance to be opressed. I don't know a single "leftie" white transgender that is not a privileged lib.

This has nothing to do with the original post but I just hate libs too much.

what are you ?

take your pills retard

I LARP that I am an anarchist but I am too much of a coward for a revolution, at least I admit it but you will never read an "ancom" talking about how tax is theft and that censoring right wing lunatics is agains their own philosophy. Ancaps might be idiots but at least they actually live by their ideology and commit gax evasion.

Most ancoms are white yankee libs that think they will be poets and artists and shit that produces nothing while we brown and black people do the actually relevant work. They are too privileged to even imagine grabbing a fucking shovel and do hard work.

yeah they have no view of work that is actually revolutionary. just ruffled bohemians with no actual stakes in making a revolution happen

I know white trannies from big cities that earn a shit ton of money but all they do is cry because they think not passing and being a lesbian cancels all of their privileges. Meanwhile I am the privileged one because I transitioned early, it apparently doesn't matter that I am indigenous, poor and live in a highly conservative area.

Same, 4 years into that shit phase too. Hope we can find a good job and be happy, friend.

but you see, transbians are... le BAD!

If you’re pro-cap don’t you think it’s your own fault you’re poor tho