Torn between dark academia boy aeshetic and girl cottagecore aesthetic

>torn between dark academia boy aeshetic and girl cottagecore aesthetic

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I understand less and less English each day that goes by

dark academia

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God so true. I'm leaning more towards dark academia tho

Stop changing your name every five seconds

Why not both?

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more like dork academia and cottagebore

oh to be an herbalist living on the edge of the a little village in a small little hut in the middle ages experimenting with various local herbs and scribbling little notes about ur findings to go back to the big city and publish your findings

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These are incredibly easy to combine, just wear what you like from each.
Tweed blazer, loafers and a floral dress. Suit pants, dress shirt and a knitted sweater/vest with flowers or mushrooms on it. They're both quite broad aesthetics with similar color schemes even. "Dark academia" is literally just classic/timeless fashion, "cottagecore" is even less defined and can be anything between gardening clothes or a frilly vintage dress. Regarding the boy/girl divide....Both are mostly female dominated, both can look feminine/masculine, androgynous even..
to be fair this isn't very "cottagecore" from my general understanding but whatever suits your tastes I suppose

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fuck I wish I could wear what I want I hate boymode

I'm torn between shut-in slob aesthetic or recluse living in the woods for 50 years aesthetic

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Lets rub girl dicks.

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>to be fair this isn't very "cottagecore"
i mean depends on the context
could be a little castle in the wilderness
cottagecore doesnt mean it has to be a little cottage — as far as im aware haha
>easy to combine
i mean yeah but like the biggest divide is between me wanting to like traditional simple peasanty skirts and blouses and stuff.... and then theres stuff like picrel which is like my absolute fashion goals

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Id like to just lay in the middle and stare up

well then, just dress like pic related and pant vegetables or whatever. No need to "commit to an astatic" religiously.
Realized I sound somewhat mean. I truly just want people to enjoy themselves and wear what they like because self expression is incredibly rewarding and you should try it :]

yeah no but like i just cant manifest the vibes at the same time ://
like I'm either a mysterious academic figure of harvest or a dumb ye olde millers boy

i mean this isnt like a huge issue haha i just like to complain sometimes about trivial stuff that i dont even care that much about

>manifest the vibes
lmao just admit u don't know how to coordinate an outfit instead of typing shit like this
fashion is literally just putting on clothes

you didnt HAVE to be mean about it :/

>torn between the two most popular aesthetic movements among teenagers on tiktok
I am 99.9% sure that there is some intersection between the two given their popularity