Just learn to love yourself like god made you

>just learn to love yourself like god made you
>just accept your body bro
Have we gone full circle?

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Ah, yes...

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this gender identity shit is uhhhhh kinda fucking insane
i would think that gender means what sex you are generally perceived as,, aka your 'social sex'
but apparently it's just an identifier separate from appearance...?

Is there a term for someone who's neither "truscum" nor "tucute"?

I don't consider myself a transmedicalist at all - I absolutely do not believe you need dysphoria to be trans or need any particular reason to be trans. I also don't believe you're necessarily trans if you medically transition. But I do believe you need to medically transition to be trans. It's a necessary but not sufficient condition. Am I a truscute? A tucum?

You are rational and mildly nihilist pilled.
None of this shit matters, but people deserve bodily autonomy.

I am getting angry for no reason after reading this shit

No, they aren't trans. There's no "we" here.

I bet this person is 18 at the very most.

If God created me whole then he intended for me to transition by giving me this brain wired that way from birth. Loving myself as God made me means transitioning and not rejecting the base nature and predetermined path of who I was destined to be. Why he choose to do this, I don't know, maybe he is testing my free will or resolve or helping me help others. I cannot claim to know what God wants and intended, yet so many transphobes do.

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IF you could learn to be comfortable in your body without transitioning, that would obviously be the most desirable outcome, right?

>Have we gone full circle?
yes, and it was inevitable
transitioning is retarded, put in the effort to accept yourself as you are. there is nothing wrong with you.

you are fine the way you are, heal your mind, not your body—your mind is far more important

remember—“transgender” is simply a made up social role for people who are gender non conforming. It is not a real thing. It does not exist. It is purely a social construct

>“transgender” is simply a made up social role for people who are gender non conforming
I am not "gender non conforming" and medical transition goes a bit deeper than "gender non conforming"
You can keep your s o ylib "just be a sodomite UwU" bullshit on reddit bro, not every internet spaces need to be the same leftist hellscape

>it is a social construct
>it does not exist

I swear to god I need to get a lifetime supply of estrogen, a safe, a guard dog, and a gun for when these fuckers work with our enemies to get transitioning banned

We haven't gone full circle, liberals have just gone mask off. They hate us and want us to not exist just as much as conservatives, but they do so through language and not violence.

>I swear to god I need to get a lifetime supply of estrogen
It's only about 500$ from china right now. Get it before the US goes to war with them after the olympics.

i doubt that retard is a redditor, he's on the other side of the circle

Isnt the expiration date of E like 2 years?

i want tiddies, vagina, cute face and being railed by men
fuck off with your psyop

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>it's a partial social construct
trannies are literally the ones that prove gender is not a full social construct