How did your childhood friends react to your trooning out?

How did your childhood friends react to your trooning out?

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i havent told them. i only ever play tf2 with them occasionally these days and the idea of coming out to them is scary.

Your voice doesn't give it away?

i can still easily use my man voice. i need to voice train more tbqh

Hightower player?

cut contact with them so I don't have to deal with that, and also I didn't feel very close to them anyways.

People have childhood friends?
News to me.

why do tranners always specify 'in the ass'; opposed to what? ur dick hole? seems like such a malebrained thing to say

Becasue we're exhibitionist sluts, we want to tale every opportunity to talk about our buttholes. Early HRT tranners are very horny because their T hasnt dropped yet

>be boymoder for like 2 years
>friends know but don't know
>just a well kept secret I guess
>take a dysphoria test while in call with them one day
>of course score high and share it
>it's all a part of the joke after all
>finally they just tell me to say it
>"okay, fine, I'm trans"
>they're all like "fucking called it" "i'm not surprised at all" etc.
>one friend gets mad and bounces
>don't talk for a while
>a few weeks later he dms me out of the blue
>asks if someone molested me, etc.
>tell him no
>brings up the whole 41% thing, expresses worry that i'll be one of them
>makes me promise i won't suicide
>everything was okay in the kingdom after that

Pretty lucky I guess.

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It’s called joke structure. You wouldn’t understand cuz ur an autist.

I have no friends.

They were all really surprised because I was super homophobic as a teenager and because I turned out pretty cute but then I detransed and pranked them even harder.

At this point I don't think they have any gauge on me.

I never had friends

i havent played hightower in ages. upward is probably my most played map.

I'll be your friend, user

I don't have any childhood friends or any friends from HS or the time I spent in college so uhhh
They didn't react
Anyone I met online assumes I'm a cis woman or knows im a tranny because we're all trannies

My only friend who knew me pretransition stopped talking to me in hs because of it and we later reconnected at uni and he became jealous I was spending time with other guys.
I ended up blowing him a few times and fucking but he went on some weird rant about being confused and how he's not gay and it's be best if we didn't talk to each other again.
I miss him desu

they found my twitter and onlyfans and outed me to my other friends, now they performatively act accepting but prob dont use the right pronouns or name when im not around whatever fuck em

Russian is a gendered language, so he basically said that he couldn't use fem pronouns, verbs, etc when talking to me or about me.

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I had all my friends distance themselves from me when I came out of the closet at 16. I had a lot of friends at that point too. Got kicked out of school then had a huge psychedelic breakdown and spiraled down into a huge heroin habit. By the time I found out what HRT was at 26 and got on it, the two friends I had were accepting to a point. All the people I knew didn't care and loved to tease me about my boobs. All in all people just didn't care, and didn't think it was strange a fem fruit cake was becoming a woman Lol

fembrained and based. shoot up sista

isnt putting a ) in your text like a smiley face? smug bastard

But most of my childhood friends took it fairly well. Pretty much all female friends says "I fucking knew it!", haha.
It is.

One just told me I wasn't and the other one is trans too.