Can you guys, yes guys explain to me why you are so fucked in the head...

Can you guys, yes guys explain to me why you are so fucked in the head? I lurked this board first time yesterday and I thought it was schizo hours so I came back today and its literally same shit. Why are you fucks like this? You should be sent to mental hospital, not receiving rights. I just feel bad for you guys, just leave the internet and go in the real world and forget this ''anime uwu me girl'' stuff. I was supporting you ''people'' before, but now I just hope that you get your shit kicked in.

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i schizo post here because i don’t like teletherapy, people take advantage of that

i have wet brain

Okay wow shut up and leave haha /qa/ is gone

I'm pretty normal desu. A bunch of people here are pretty fucked in the head though with BPD or narcissistic tendencies. I gave myself gender dysphoria because I was completely asexual for most of my life. I really just want to be a woman so I can fall in love. But i'm afraid no one will love me.

the majority of us are mentally ill

>i really just want to be a woman so i can fall in love
yeah you sound schizo

t. tranner who is probably schizo in her own ways

>i feel bad for you guys, just leave the internet and go in the real world
have you considered that you don't hear from people who left the internet and went in the real world, because they're not on the internet
also "anime uwu me girl" is not representative of tranners in general

Just be normal and do you buddy, you will find someone.


having gender dysphoria does not make you mentally stable

>also "anime uwu me girl" is not representative of tranners in general

You and I both know this is just a lie.

I get that, but why you have to be the way you fuckers are? Most annoying people around the universe. Why is that?

i mean, alright, it's more of a thing than it has a right to be
but i'm sure as hell not like that, and neither are the tiny handful trans people i know

nigga go outside and socialize. make normie friends. its hard at first but you'll feel better, trust me

It's not my fault I have bicycle brain senpai please be nice to me :'(

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because some trans people are marginally more comfortable around other trans people (because they feel like they're being judged less for it), they develop a community of their own where weird and disgusting memes propagate and those of us who are the most sane evaporate away because we're sick of it, leaving behind the crazies to amplify each other's craziness

I'd like to think you're just hearing the loudest voices tbhdesu. The more well adjusted ones don't have as much to say and the happy normal ones are not on Any Forums

Its okay to be simple minded, nothing wrong with that, but could you just be a normal person and leave all the leftist talking points? It would be nice to meet a tranner who is cool to be around, and doesn't start shit once they hear word nigger or someone makes some tranny joke. Just be normal.

And everyone of you guys are born male, so you know how guys talk. This shouldn't be a surprise to you.


i'm here
well, i got my own brand of abnormality, and i also haven't gotten out from under my parents cuz they're crazy helicopter parents even when i'm 20 in college, but at least i'm not abnormal in the ways you describe :p

(to be clear, i'm not the same user as )

That is nice to hear, I pray that you get your own place and you can start to be independet. I just hope that you dont do the tranny shit that Any Forums tells you, which is that you need to abandon your family etc.


Also its not a easy trip for the father find out their son trooned out, so I would suggest that you go hug him and tell him that you are still his son, just a little bit different one.