Planned parenthood told me to get fuck because booked up, but suggest to try getplume for HRT...

Planned parenthood told me to get fuck because booked up, but suggest to try getplume for HRT. Does anyone have experience with them at all?

Attached: plume_logo.png (800x269, 30.72K)

It's not great. It's expensive as fuck for what is, essentially, quarterly blood tests. They don't pay for your meds, the letters for surgery they provide aren't legit, and I've heard they don't actually give a shit about following up on bloodwork. If you're in a pinch you can get a prescription same-day, though.

i wanna get hrt but i dont wanna get it from baby killing psychopaths who work for a organization founded by a racist women who inspired hitler ( margaret sanger)
im too much of a pussy to get hrt from a doctor or come out to my family
cuz i dont wanna not pass
i probably just will repress
but i wish it was easier to get on hrt
its so fucking expensive and if i get pills from someone online pharmacy they would probably poison me
i tried bovine ovary pills from amazon and they feminized me a bit but made me feel like shit
fuckkkkkk i wish i was a real girl lol
i already am basically one anways and have been bullied for it my whole life

This desu. You have to remind them you need blood work sometimes and take weeks to get back to you. Fuck them

>retards still can't figure diy out
get filtered enjoy the gatekeeping

They're okay, price wise sucks but just demand what you want, like dosages and they'll cave and give you them. They won't prescribe bica though, so diy is a good alternative. Join them get a script and begin ordering diy

I use Folx and it’s pretty similar to Plume, but just a bit cheaper I think. Only 60 dollars a month instead of 100. There’s no gatekeeping and you just have to pay for your meds, that’s all.

Plume gatekeeps? Lmao

There’s no gatekeeping with either one I don’t think. It’s pretty much like picking stuff out of the dollar menu.
I even told my doctor I wanted to be on the highest possible dose and she said okay.

>I use Folx and it’s pretty similar to Plume, but just a bit cheaper I think. Only 60 dollars a month instead of 100. There’s no gatekeeping and you just have to pay for your meds, that’s all.
what a name

someone here can send you so some

>its so fucking expensive and if i get pills from someone online pharmacy they would probably poison me

>i tried bovine ovary pills from amazon and they feminized me a bit but made me feel like shit

you'll take some fucking crazy thing not intended for humans that made you sick but you think online pharmacies that have sent hundreds of thousands to millions of orders of HRT out with pure products and no complaints are going to poison you?

paranoid people always have such confusing logic

Who cares about the fucking name? lol
Yes, they use shitty branding that appeals to wokeoid types, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing that they’re providing a way for people to have access to HRT.

if cost's an issue i'd recommend Galileo Health its only $100 per year since its like a general medicine thing. They don't pay for blood tests and don't prescribe bica (although i didnt really make a case for it.

How much are your blood tests out of pocket?

I dont have any personal experience with it, but my gf uses it due to lack of insurance. It seems to work great for her, she says everyone is super friendly and all, it's just a bit pricey. If you have the option, I'd try to find another informed consent clinic just due to the price

upward to 100$ or more depending on where you get it

Do they offer hair losr mediation?

Informed consent is shit without insurance. You pay like 200 dollars every visit. You have to pay for labs out of pocket. The only perk is that’s month of estro and spiro will be like 50 dollars. Prepare to be gatekept if you’re a boymoder or have a unisex/androgynous name.
With insurance it’s the best option but most trannies are uninsured.

>hair loss meditation
lmaooo binaural beats to cure male pattern maldness

lol don't let the beats rattle your hair out

>baby killing psychopaths
ok so you support bodily autonomy for trans women but not cis women? Malebrained asf
I say this as a trans woman who grew up in poverty, embryo's aren't babies and most people who get abortions can't provide decent lives for these potential children. Opting out of that is ONLY a mercy.