Leaked EHRC Guidance Reveals Plans To Exclude Most Trans People From Bathrooms


I'm beginning to think being born in the UK was a mistake.

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just pass then
theyre not going to ask a cis woman "oi u gotcher genda loicense to go inta th wimins wash then?"

People who don't get SRS shouldn't go into locker rooms.

If they do this to me or my girlfriend I will chimp out

Fuck that, its all of us or none of us. You need to grow a backbone and stand up for your sisters.

just stop going to the bathroom outside your home, why is this such a big deal

Cope. If you dont put in the effort to pass you dont deserve shit. Get a good job, get your shit done and quit making excuses. You have to make the first step to improve YOUR OWN LIFE

Just move to the US, it’s much less transphobic here

1000 x this. If you dont want SRS you are basically just a femboy/fetishist, and there is nothing wrong with that at all, but you need to just stick with mens facilities.

Not unless you live in or adjacent to a liberal shithole where poor people will still try to hassle you or assault you.


Offering any UK trans girls to move to the US and be my wife

Based based based.

Trans girls without genital dysphoria are just transvestites

If you live in a liberal shithole and are being bothered by poor people, simply make more money.

>Staff members – who are working their notice periods – told VICE World News they are “scared” the guidance would have led to “customers reporting people for looking too manly or womanly”.

terfs support that though

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>Just wait 25 years for your SRS approval laddie :)

Then get a job and pay for everything yourself. Or if you cant earn enough try to talk people into giving the money to support you. Fuck off with your gibs. Yeah your situation may be shit but the world and other people dont owe you anything. Take some agency over your own life.

Do you live in a nice part of the USA or is it some awful place like Alabama or something?

>needing societal approval for whats between your legs
Like I hate my penis but srs is a fucking joke, wake me up when they can like grow a vagina for me from my stemcells

I live in California

>Oi mate, you got a loicence for that bathroom
Fucking Bongland, what a joke of a country

Then go live in the woods and build your own society. Transvestites man, I swear to god....

uk's really living it up lately


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Alot of them have already separated themselves from the rest of societies. They live in insular "trans" communities where they complain tell each other their valid.

there is no such thing as trans communities IRL

we call them toilets

There are, and they are disgusting.

tbf if I lived in milton keynes I think i'd want to take my life too

Why should I do that though? Public healthcare exists for a reason and If I'm paying a rather large portion of my monthly wages to be part of it, it's not gibs but using the system as it's intended. Everyone's paying the part of smokers, obese people and people with risky hobbies, that raise the risk of getting injured, so why should trans people be the group, that have to pay without receiving the benefits of the system?

Poor people go where the rich people are so they can beg for rich people money.

Have you ever spent more than 10 minutes in a city?

>a literal tranny loicence

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this, public healthcare completely fails as a system if it doesn't accomodate it's own taxpayers
trans people should be exempt from any tax that goes towards the NHS since it excludes us

Yeah you're completely right. If you're paying taxes then you have "paid" for it. But if the reality is that you must wait then thats just the way it is and this is the point where having a bit of agency means something. You aren't going to change the reality of the situation and crying about its not fair isn't going to do anything. So stop crying and accept it! if you need to get it done then you have to pay; make it happen! plenty of other people do...

>srs is a joke

Brainwormed to fuck dude

Anything that isnt the colon tissue or penile inversion is actually really good.

You feel for the pedarast freakos propaganda

you aren’t gonna get assaulted by the homeless; after a year or so you won’t even see them. they’ll be like traffic cones or lampposts that make noise.

>just wait!!

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