I'm so lonely

I'm so lonely

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me too

Haha loser

I try to fight the loneliness by fucking random guys i meet on tinder
it doesnt help

find happy-anime-girl-anime-girl-smiling-happy.png and post it, then you will be happy

I know how it feels :( It sucks to feel isolated from everyone around you, I wish it got easier, but all we can do is try to meet people when we're able

What made you think it would?

It only gets worse
In some ways you get used to it
In other ways it literally destroys your soul
t. literally wakes up from lonelineness

im so lonely and so scared about being alone forever
but im so scared of people and intimacy, i have assured myself i will be alone forever

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I think I like loneliness better than people

idk id be around someone for a bit

don't worry you'll become comfortable with it in a weird way and people will smell your weird isolated weirdness from a mile away and immediately be on guard and avoid being too friendly with you

Does anybody else self-sabotage every time they get close to someone?

You all deserve to be alone :)

You are alone

thanks, this sounds awful
probably yeah, but idk what i did to deserve it

watch reaction videos, ASMR personal attention, and podcasts to vicariously experience social interaction in the meantime while you figure out a way to emotionally entrap a person into your life

I'm a demented coomer with a real life schizoid PD diagnosis and I find creative writing too excruciating to get horny from RP. Should I kill myself now?

Immersion therapy and find people like yourself who you feel comfortable with. You'll regret it later in life otherwise and you can't ever go back.

Do you wanna be friends? I won’t mind if you suddenly self sabotage and then leave me tho, I’m used to it by now

Same user same