Retarded antivaxx brother turning into tranny

my brother is fucking retarded and is turning into a tranny but not because he is a tranny. He basically is an antivaxxer and doesnt believe in covid, he reads all the stupid messages from his friends about alternatives to covid vaccines. Recently he told me that anti androgen therapy can stop covid or whatever and he is going to take some drug to do it. But what he doesn't know (or refuses to acknowledge) is that his stupid anti androgen therapy which uses spironolactone is a fucking drug for trannies.

Yes, my brother is fucking retarded he is taking tranny pills to avoid covid. I don't know how to stop this retard he has been doing it for almost 2 months now

Attached: r22.jpg (648x648, 45.66K)

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That is hilarious.
You should try to get him deeper as a joke
Try to convince him to take estrogen or smthn
Could take some work but if he's that far gone could be done and would be hilarious

Fuck his ass.

kek. transitioning to own the libs

You should be shot and killed

what the fuck he is 16 you sick fuck

no thats retarded, can someone please tell me how to get him off these meds, my parents are antivaxxers too and they support him.

show them hrt timeslines and explain the dangers of anti androgens without estrogen

can you send some please idk wtf is a hrt timeline

I agree
Fuck you it'd be really funny

Fuck his ass. If he hates it then it was a mistake. If he moans then it's the real deal.

Where did your 16 year old brother get spiro from


he showed my father the "research" of spironolactone helping reduce covid infections and then asked my father to help him buy it from the pharmacy and unsurprisingly my retarded father bought it

See someone gets it.
It would be fucking hilarious do it op

From antivaxx to transmaxx?
Nice job lil brainlet autie

user it has been two months. have you or your father seen any changes in your "brothers" behavior?

he seems to be weaker that is the only obvious change. He has difficulty lifting stuff which he has shared with my parents

Tell him feeling weak and fatigued are signs of covid. He should up his dosage

That's hot.
Trannies get weaker is what it is
Hope "he" accepts "himself" and gets fucked in the ass by big hot REAL men :)

he isnt taking estrogen

You gotta get "him" on estrogen I've been saying this the whole time "he's" obviously a tranner "he" needs pinkpills and to be ass fucked

he wont pass he is a chad lol

If not larp tell him he'll grow boobs.

Omg a little "no I'm not a girl >:(" young but still a hon failed male retard getting pounded. That's like the hottest thing in existence

how will he grow boobs if he is not on estrogen

I don't like how anti-vaxx went from realizing that vaccines are a contributing factor for the development of autism, to being batshit insane anti-medicine garbage.

Anti-vax = anti-honsdose
Both don't trust doctors

There is a strong overlap between being trans and being autistic. Could this be related?

I'm not saying, I'm just asking questions

as if it wasnt gibberish from the start

Go to the breast changes section.