Should people like this be gatekept / excluded from the trans community? Even if they are “valid”...

Should people like this be gatekept / excluded from the trans community? Even if they are “valid”, It’s honestly really bad for our optics.

> t. Youngshit passoid

Attached: BA279F66-2423-4B11-8AA4-36A0AD4B3541.png (525x930, 900.36K)

Imagine going to /crossdressing to jerk off and seeing this

I'm a passoid aswell, and I have to ask
PLEASE STOP POSTING THIS PHOTO I have covid right now meaning I have no energy to groom or do skin\haircare your giving a dysphoric episode from the pits on Tartarus, for the love of baphomet delete this!!!!!! The person in this photo needs to rethink everything

Maybe instead of gatekeeping what you need to do is just abandon ship, make a new label to call yourself and let the hons kill the trans label

Pits of Tartarus*


Must we excluded our ugly sisters to elevate ourselves for selfish gain? Are we no better than the ones who trample on us?

Attached: E5JK68EVEAIUJ4V.jpg (419x419, 28.03K)

She literally looks like the coomer meme.

Attached: 86BCE7BE-597D-417F-B766-D6BAC26DE2C5.png (1221x2048, 1.87M)

but uh yeah op's pic is revolting ngl

Stoooooooop, I can look at these people anymore,

If you were somehow able to terminate every hon in existence bigots would just find something else to hate you for. You don't play on their terms.


she looks like she may be literally disabled. Im glad she's happy. Leave her alone

No. Nope.
Not going along with this.

yes definitly anyone that cant or wouldnt pass

legit terror fuel

I don't know you but I am certainly not. Already have too much to stress over

These aren't our sisters.

God, what happened to their eyes? Their eyes aren't like that in other photos

Sissies and crossdressers are part of the trans umbrella so yes, we are your sisters whether you accept us or not (42 year old sissy here)

It’s shooped but it’s not like the original is much better

Attached: 436C4802-C785-464D-A46F-B972D297E466.jpg (1651x2200, 247.5K)

She passes as a MILF here


I’ve seen this person posting in r/translater and the lazy eye isn’t normally this bad. Is this a photoshop?

But to answer the question, no, we shouldn’t gatekeep unattractive or unpassing people.

So why exactly do the troons on here think age matters regarding whether someone is "valid" or not?

Nice larp. But no.