What would you think about a straight guy who is into twinkhons and boymoders exclusively?

What would you think about a straight guy who is into twinkhons and boymoders exclusively?

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based because i am a twinkhon and we deserve to be loved. boymoders is kinda weird tho cause hopefully they’re not gonna be a boymoder forever

No, you're not a twinkhon, you're a rapehon with a weird jaw. Don't think I forgot

that’s just your weird opinion though and you told me i should be grateful for being raped so you are a worthless person

I see no twink face, you ahvw too much confidence in yourself

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She is cute and twink-ish. You just have a warped sense of reality from this board. Boymoders and twinkhons aren't anime characters.

most people on here call me a twinkhon you’re the only one who thinks i look rapey so idk what to tell you. and my jaw looks off because im at an angle in that pic

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No, you're just sugarcoating her because I'm bullying her and you can't accept that

I would literally put a ring on this bitch

t. 5'10 straight king

Nah, your left side of the jaw is still going deeper than the right side, It's off

>you're just sugarcoating her
You're just seething

t. samefag

Samefag with what other post, nigga?

No, I'm in my cozy bed and having a great time, you should try. It's the best feeling ever to open your window, get your pillow and blanket cold and then let cold side of it touch your skin. It's so refreshing.

its probably a redditor trying to fit in, let the kid be

The fucking picture, retard

Implying this board isn't plebbit tier

all of Any Forums is reddit ever since 2014 and moreso since 2016

so are you gonna post butt or just flap your gums?

that he is a closeted faggot

why do i need to post my butt all the sudden. besides the jannies dont like it when i d

sweaty, you're bisexual not straight

I want to smell your braps from your oily chafed crack

no not posting ass for brap posters