Only attracted to dicks, not men

>only attracted to dicks, not men
Why is this so common? Never seen someone attracted to only vaginas and not women.

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Cuz dicks r fucking awesome and vaginas look like some kind of alien fortress

this used to be me until i went on e and now im almost exclusively attracted to men

cuz dicks make me feel feminine when I play with them...except mine of course. lol.

Ever interacted with an incel?

Alien fortresses are cool.

This is why I always tell people to get SRS.

Because bisexual "men" are weird.

Years of conditioning that you shouldn't lust after men ever.

>Years of conditioning that you shouldn't lust after men ever.
Nah, that isn't it. I and many others grew up in very liberal, accepting environments and find men completely unattractive and are purely penissexual

I would be interested to see how porn consumption has affected the sexuality of millennials, all futa-loving penissexuals I know are lifelong addicts and lacking in romantic experience.

Femininity is hot, masculinity can be impressive i.e. by strength or dedication but not necessarily inherently hot

women and trannies have it so easy

they can fuck eachother all they want with nobody caring about them being chasers

presenting males are gross. all i want is a qt femboy or a tranny to rub dicks with without being crucified as a chaser

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Men live their lives admiring their own dick so...

>Never seen someone attracted to only vaginas and not women.
I am one

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>all futa-loving penissexuals I know are lifelong addicts
not really, especially post-hrt i barely look at porn, even before that it was more of a chore than anything else.
>lacking in romantic experience
yeah to this one though, i have none whatsoever

Sorry, you know, vagina is a complex business, the vagina without its complete package is the woman, most of the time? There's no way to love the vagina and not love women, it's complicated.

Do you watch a bunch of Buck Angel?

Yeah he's not bad but I have watched like all of his videos.

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Because human dicks have been naturally selected for 200,000 years to be extremely aesthetically pleasing. We're the only observed species to do this with dicks, actually. Men have done the same with tits, but not vaginas.

usually I think ftms are gross, but then I see one like this and I just want to go balls deep

You don't count, little vagina lover.

Fuuuuuck. I wanna see him uncensored


this makes me want to rub minoxidil on my stomach

How come he has no chest scars?