Porn has fucked my brain beyond reparir to the point where I want to take estrogen...

Porn has fucked my brain beyond reparir to the point where I want to take estrogen, look like a girl and acquire a cute gf.
Why is this shit allowed to exist?

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are you sure it was porn?

that’s not how it works sis im sorry

Then stop watching it?

Daddy blanchard thinks your desires are innate and you should take your pills

no but faggot has to blame something other than themselves to feel better.
That requires self control which they lack and it's much easier to blame something else.

Yes, I didn't want to be a girl before almost a decade of watching porn.
It worked like that for me. I know you trans people already have it too hard and having people like me exposing how they got trans-like feelings from anything that wasn't innate is a bad look. Don't worry, I won't start just telling people about it.

Most men don't turn trans from porn, they just get frustrated, violent and bad at sex. You have dysphoria and watching an unhealthy amount of porn both awakened it and served as a coping mechanism for it. It doesn't make you less trans, but it is gross and you should try to stop. And take your pills, Alice. Or injections, injections are better

wahhhhh porn made me into a girl. It wasn't anything else it's someone elses fault.

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>It worked like that for me
the porn was a way for you to dissociate from your real waking life as a man and insert as a woman. You likely developed this trauma response during puberty to compartmentalize and better repress your trans feelings. Youre in this for life.

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the porn didn't make you trans lol

fun fact, normal men enjoy porn without turning into trannys.

I didn't think about being a girl before porn.
Not all men are the same. Some are lonely and fall into internet rabbit holes after getting brain damage from porn.

no you're just a faggot trying to blame anything but yourself or genetics.

>I know you trans people already have it too hard and having people like me exposing how they got trans-like feelings from anything that wasn't innate is a bad look.
lots of trans people acknowledge porn as their first window into their true gender. it's not a secret

most people dont think about being trans period. it's not surprising it didn't occur to you before porn

>I didn't think about being a girl before porn.
You probably saw porn at like 11 like everybody else in this cursed generation. just a coincidence

>Porn has fucked my brain beyond repair to the point where I want to take estrogen, look like a girl and acquire a cute gf

Troons here will deny it but this is what most of them are and they can't admit it

But how does it work in practice and why doesn't it happen to every guy? Coping with/discovering things through porn makes more sense

Why is everyone so against the idea that porn can affect you when it comes to this? Does transness really have to be 100% innate? It's controversial, but I think there are trans women who could have dealt perfectly well with being a normal (especially female attracted) man if they didn't get exposed to certain types of stimuli. But I also think the exposure to stimuli and subsequent changes in the brain make them just as valid so idk

Yes normal men can fall into internet rabbit holes but becoming a tranny is almost never one of them. Also porn isn't the root cause of the problem, it's just a very quick and easy trigger for it to appear consciously in your mind.

What if I hate porn and have never watched it in my life (outside of occasional unwanted exposure from edgy friends and coomers because of how ubiquitous it is)