My stepdad killed himself because I came out as trans lol

My stepdad killed himself because I came out as trans lol

I knew it was a mistake

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who cares

someone who would kill themselves because you came out as trans is someone who 1.) is an asshole who deserves to die because they apparently can't handle their kid turning out whatsoever different than in their imagination and 2.) was within a hair's breadth of killing themselves anyway and you were just the straw on the camel's back

the tables have turned.

I don't blame him, having your son transition is the ultimate sign of a failed dad.

He was like a dad to me and helped take care of my mom and her business

Yea but it still hurts and I feel like I coulda prevented it and helped if I weren’t this way idk


My bio dad is supportive and has a good life

>Yea but it still hurts and I feel like I coulda prevented it and helped if I weren’t this way idk
detransition before you end up 41ing, anti-psychotics can cure gender identity disorder

fake and gay, but even if it was real (the suicide) i don't see a "failed son" from which he can easily bail on the responsibility being a stepdad being the defining factor.

>i feel like i coulda prevented it and helped if i weren't this way idk
we tell ourselves that we can help with people's mental issues, but really there's not much you can do beyond the usual you'd do for anyone with problems; mental issues are mental issues precisely because they're sticky as hell, and it usually takes biochemical help and/or a big life epiphany to cure them

24336549 is, i guess, referencing how many parents drive their children to suicide over the children being trans, and noting how ironic it is that now it's the children driving the parents to suicide over it instead

It’s not it was just the last straw; they kinda banked on me either getting a good job and getting married and doing Asian shit, or at least taking over their business.

What no

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3) or more like 2b) a repper.

Fuck yea!

>anti-psychotics can cure gender identity disorder
they can't curse psychosis how are they supposed to cure gender dysphoria which isn't even a disorder
as someone who took them, the only think they are good at is making you easier to manipulate.

(not op but)
1. anti-psychotics suck and have side effects out the ass
2. i want to be a girl and i don't want to reach into my head and make myself not want to be a girl anymore, instead i want to actually be a girl

Just like lobotomies before them :)

>asian troon
I thought white people were the only ones to do this lgbtp shit cuz they have no real problems in life

i mean you can still take over their business, isn't anything in the long-term stopping you lol

and I really want to be black but you don't see me doing a reverse michael jackson

They disowned me when I came out

i still can't believe that is the reason. you can still do all of what's expected from you, and i think you're just going through a natural stage of regret most people get when a closed one commits suicide

Wait do you really

well that's your loss

then it's their own fault that you won't take over their business and if they're gonna feel bad about it that's their own loss and you don't have to feel bad about it

>want to be black
and we are the ones who should take anti-psychotics

Idk I guess

It feels bad yall he was really nice to me growing up

We didn’t even not get along until I started transitioning

parents do be like that, they're all love and sunshine right until you deviate from their plan

you did this to him by falling for a tumblr meme

If they are transitioning then they never had a son.

you're not the only thing going on on his life probably, and if he saw you that way then he's a fucking loser, specially we can't even respect your choices

if it's a tumblr meme why'd i, spontaneously, at age 8, with no one else ever suggesting anything like this, consider "wow i want to be a girl", come up with fantasies about turning into a girl, and intensely research on wikipedia the differences between males and females in an attempt (unfortunately a failed one) to do what i would later learn was reinventing the concept of transition, voice training, etc.

Ignore them it’s real I’m same they’re idiots

nta, he deserved it

i know, but i don't want people with impostor syndrome to start actually believing them and beating themselves up over "falling for a tumblr meme" lol


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ratio + dont care + didnt ask


How did your real dad respond?


cuz 8 year olds are dumb and say stupid shit all the time, you might as well say you have an imaginary friend at 20

lmao you're a retard. no one other than retarded trenders wants to be trans. Its not like any of us chose this shit. Sorry that people like me want to actually be happy

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then he's a fuckin' pussy & the universe will be cringing.