If all men transitioned...

If all men transitioned, we would still have to force some people to be masculine to maintain technologies and living standards. Masculinity is completely unrewarded though, unless you're very attractive. Is every man just going to opt out? Obviously chads, trannies, and women aren't going to volunteer to work physically exhausting, smelly, and unpleasant jobs. If there is no upside to masculinity maintained (i.e monogamy, patriarchy, logocentrism, special privileges for men), literally what reason do men have to keep playing along with society?

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Most of these issues that men face in society are due to men going along with it. For example, the fear of being "creepy" is entirely self inflicted by men; if all men stopped giving a shit about being seen as creepy and stopped shaming other men for it it wouldn't be an issue anymore, for example. Or men just all collectively agreeing to refuse to put more effort into pursuing women than they're worth. Or just generally not simping over every decently attractive woman. The frustration is that men as a group refuse to look out for each other.

Also Chads basically aren't men. Women treat them like men treat women in general. The bulk of men are the slave caste in the modern world. Women can opt out of work by marrying. Men opt out of work and are seen as bad slaves.

white man here, i cannot in good conscience seek emplyoment or education when those postions could go to a more deserving sexual/gender minority or POC

The people calling men creepy are women. Men looking out for each other is patriarchy, anti-feminism, and forced monogamy. That is what it is in our interests to pursue.

(And also some men really are creepy. Not giving a shit wouldn't make women feel comfortable with creeps.)

>be in high school
>be white male
>minding my own business listening to music in headphones
>two foids walk by and say "let's throw pinecones at the creepy kid"
>they throw pine cones at me

Men weren't looking out for me when they beat and bullied me for being unmasculine growing up.

It’s time for white men to step back and let genderqueer bipoc take the lead

Yeah they were.

Men made those rules and expectations for themselves, now they have to make their bed and lie in it.

What rules and expectations?

because they were called gay and ostracized if they weren't doing that, and as men grow up they realize it takes an extraordinary effort to get women to find you attractive (which is the only way you'll ever have emotional intimacy in life) so everything they do becomes about appeasing women

Even young boys with 0 interest in girls will act that way

Literally all of masculinity itself

This is why the world would be an objectively better place if all men were bisexual, we wouldn't need to simp for women.

As a bisexual myself I actually have no issue simping for a man I find attractive but simping for a woman makes me feel pathetic and emasculated.

>Most of these issues that men face in society are due to men going along with it. For example, the fear of being "creepy" is entirely self inflicted by men; if all men stopped giving a shit about being seen as creepy and stopped shaming other men for it it wouldn't be an issue anymore, for example. Or men just all collectively agreeing to refuse to put more effort into pursuing women than they're worth. Or just generally not simping over every decently attractive woman. The frustration is that men as a group refuse to look out for each other.
This isn't true at all.

it's normie gaslighting shit

Who exactly is making men simp and give money to any random woman that posts herself on the internet?

>(which is the only way you'll ever have emotional intimacy in life)
Because the majority of men are literally incapable of it and thus require women to do their emotional labour or because this is the only outlet allowed to men by society AKA other men or both of these?

I'm a dude who relies on my brother as my main source of emotional intimacy, so I'm not the target of this, but I'll say this:

I fucking HATE when "emotional labor" is used in this way. The correct use of the term is the commodification of one's humanity when they're a wageslave working retail and forced to act like they have a relationship with the customer. To turn that around and act like "emotional labor" is just being there for your loved ones is a horrible appropriation of the term.

I wonder why men have trouble with emotions when growing up they're told to get over any issues they have or to stop crying because they're a boy

who cares if i gave a random whore $5 on onlyfans for butthole pics

Indeed. And in the mean time... we can just play video games.

Because you can get those for fucking free and you're enabling whores?