Vast majority of people want to transition because they are failed males and be a male is a curse unless you are on...

Vast majority of people want to transition because they are failed males and be a male is a curse unless you are on good spot
When have you hear someome calling a female a looser?
Women live on easy mode

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>Vast majority of people want to transition because they are failed males
>Women live on easy mode
Incel thinking

Though, I had an old roommate that said guys are gay because they are failed males so idk about that part maybe it's a part of some fetishy shit

not wrong desu

This is the truth.

Yup. So many Trans are all talk, but pussy out when it is time to take the dick.

but it's more accurate to say that women don't succeed or fail. Both the bottom and top places of society are filled by men

I feel like the bar for not being a failed male is getting higher and higher too.

I'm 6'0, make six figures in my mid 20s, and people still call me a failed male on a regular basis because I'm not 6'2 and don't make $200k+. It's gotten genuinely insane, the only reason I'm not transitioning is I'm too fucking tall and stocky.

My life is objectively better in every way since transitioning. I wouldn't use the phrase "easy mode" myself, but I also won't say it's inaccurate. If transitioning MTF made your life harder, you're either not actually trans or you're doing something wrong.

I probably would've been a pretty successfully male desu. 6 feet tall, good genetics, mostly symmetrical face. I got fat pre-transition bc I was so depressed and felt like my body was worthless anyways, but if I hadn't had crippling dysphoria and had been able to get fit without starting hormones, I probably would've ended up looking a bit like this dude (based on my hair type, my father's beard type and my grandfather's body type. He's a really obnoxious rapper and I don't like him, but he doesn't look like a "failed male"

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females are in fact looser, especially if the mtf is a virgin

huh, now who would've though that the past 40 years of society putting femininity and girl issues on a pedestal while leaving men's issues to rot would result in an increase in the amount of MtF males? Maybe there is a reason why nowadays men only make up 40% of college students, why men are more likely to kill themselves (70% of all suicides are white males), why young boys are left behind in school and over medicated while women get to complain that their lives suck so much because they have to turn around because muh neuroticism. As soon as a man turns 20 his risk of suicide skyrockets, and anytime there is financial stress (i.e. a pandemic and a shitty recovery) there is an even bigger spike in male suicides, and unlike woman, men typically succeed. I see some hope for men, some people genuinely care, but as long as vindictive women claw away at men's rights its just gonna get worse

Yeah, I'm 6 feet tall, decently attractive i guess, have always had some interest from women, cool hobbies, decently fit, but... so what?
I don't want to live my life male, I hate it, I dislike everything about it, so I will pursue femininity, and I WILL be happy.

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Your failure is just a mindset which then manifests as an aura.

I love this because it perfectly illustrates how feminism actually only benefits a small minority (middle and upper class, white, etc.) of women.

So true, idiot feminists portray the complexities of gender relations and hierarchies as an oversimplified, two tiered pyramid. Obviously gender hierarchy is a three tiered pyramid, that's not just another gross oversimplification at all, look at this cool infographic!

Stfu idiot
If you are a female kys
If not
Still kys

The reality is that while patriarchy exists as a societal construct, it depicts men as beings of the highest agency and depicts women as having less agency, albeit more than children. This results in men's accomplishments being taken more seriously because it's assumed they're more self made than women are, it also means men's failures are laid at their feet. Personally I'd trade my spot with women in a heartbeat but I don't think becoming a titman is going to do that so I'm just gonna figure out how to cope.

I was pretty successful at being a dude

The top part IS true. The lower part changes depending on who you ask. If we are asking from a loser (You) then yes this is true. If we were to ask from below average woman, then it would flip again.

>My life is objectively better in every way since transitioning. I wouldn't use the phrase "easy mode" myself, but I also won't say it's inaccurate. If transitioning MTF made your life harder, you're either not actually trans or you're doing something wrong.
Idk like I feel better about my body, but I don't feel like I fit in with people anymore. Other women don't want anything to do with me and a surprising amount of men act so different around me. I didn't really have friends before and it didn't bother me as much as it does now. maybe I'm not trutrans or whatever, idk