/mmg/ manmoder general

gosh my unfortunate skull edition

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>me standing next to literally anybody else

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look at how they massacre my favorite thread

tfw jayleno chin

still don’t understand why

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why what

This is bullshit. I came in here to virtually self harm so people call me a man, and most people still tell me I’m a woman and need to come out one day

then do it faggot

I want to badly, but I have to do wait for HRT to do it’s thing and to get laser among other things

I’m still going to be obviously trans, which is scary, but part of me feels ok with it if it means I’m happy. The other part of me wants to cry and never leave the house

>tfw still waiting for hrt to do it's thing nearly 3 years later
it'll probably be soon, right?

Its over, almost 4 years and it didn't do anything for me. Embrace eternal manmodehood.

>Embrace eternal manmodehood
this was my attitude going in
2 years strong so far and I'm doing a lot better, just still resigned to making the most of it as a man

but i don't wanna }-;
i was ready to embrace hondom and planned to be fulltime within a year
but the coof put a stop to my laser and the groups i went to and now i can't even leave the house alone

ive given up on transitioning, i don't even look in the mirror if i don't have to. literally the only benefit hrt has had in my daily life is that i don't have to worry about my skin breaking out and i have way less body hair to contend with

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cry til sleep time
gn girls

gn user

I hope you feel better

i'm noticeably more hairy than the average cis man

Great, fuck off scum

If god is he real he is truly evil and cruel to create trannies with bodies like ours

I'm learning to value mine despite being relegated to permanent manhood

take your pills clairice

our suffering doesn't diminish the fact that God loves us

>tfw asian
>built like a literal mongolian warrior

it's over lads

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