Why are transbians so entitled?

Straight trannies are basically harmless and love everyone except bishits. Cis lesbians have a reputation for being man-haters but they’re a lot less man-hating than transbians.

Transbians act like every tranny, nay, every person, should be just like them. They hate on cis men more than any other demographic, they hate trans men, they try to pathetically act like they don’t want cis lesbians, and they also hate on straight women of all kind. They literally think the only acceptable way to exist is being just like them. Why are they like this?

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It’s standard straight male entitlement, same energy as the entitlement that pushes them to call a random girl on the internet a bitch after not replying to their 50 consecutive horny dms from a total stranger

Nah, they’re WAY more entitled than straight men. Straight men in the West aren’t usually trying to get the entire world to submit to their schizo views of gender and sexuality and how they’re the only group who deserved to exist and morally superior to everybody

I don't understand this. If I got 50 consecutive horny DMs from anyone, man or woman, I'd be flattered as hell and it would make my day.

Obviously you wouldn’t get it, you’re an entitled male.

stfu blanchard

It’s a trauma response. Transbians are the most demonized part of the trans umbrella, so they kind of autistically insulate themselves in a world where they have the clear moral high ground because it’s the only way to cope with the fact that everyone else thinks you’re a predator just for existing

>they hate trans men
the endless seething directed at ftm's on tttt isnt done by transbians, hstshon

Can someone redo this with hontrapoints and that fat cow?

I’m a gay man with no desire to troon out, you idiot

Contra is nice tho . Toob is weird

i got you

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because masculinity is poison cope seethe and cafebeef

>straight men
>not making people submit to their bizarre fucked up views on gender and sexuality
It's smart boy time

I can just act like a fag around straight boys all the time, as longas I don’t hit on them it’s fine, I’m the token fag.

With transbians they’ll act like I’m a disgusting fetishist for being attracted to men, they try to act like gay boys have a moral obligation to go on HRT and gain feminine fat distribution and staying male is some sort of sin or disease. They constantly post about things that “belong to girls”.

I hate that this isn’t even wrong because I wanna be a transbian but don’t wanna be viewed like this.

I have no idea, for sure the worst vibes out of anyone mtf.

> They hate on cis men more than any other demographic

They have 0 solidarity or understanding that you can have, like, friendships with straight men.

Almost a parody like "more boob more good??" and can't understand why anyone would want a men etc. etc.

they aren't thought, straight trans women are the most oppressed.

Normal trans lesbians I feel for since they're like those "last of his kind" endangered birds you read about

It's true, moids are disgusting. We transition because we hate what you are.

normal trans lesbians are even more oppressed than straight trans women because there's like four of them in the world.

transbians are basically a parody like "why don't you want BOOBS I want boob"

straight trans women are the expectation if anything... but believe what you wanna believe


Good, you owned up to being a homophobic bigot

Transbians literally act like you're a freak for being attracted to men.

Bi/lesbian is the majority of MtFs but a higher proportion of bi women are... normal

Muuuuuhhh homophobia muuuuh opreshun

I don't even want to be a transbian. I think I am going to go the celibate route

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