You have been permanently banned from /r/sex

POV: You mentioned on reddit that having sex with a woman with a penis is no longer considered hetero

The thread was
> Title: A girl I really like told me she was trans
> Description To make it clear, it doesn’t bother me. I’m (21M) fine with it. I’ve gone on a few dates with this girl, and I honestly had no idea. But one night we were sexting back and forth, and she finally told me that she was trans and hadn’t had bottom surgery yet. And she wanted to have sex with me if it didn’t bother me. It doesn’t, but I have I admit I’m a bit nervous. I’m a heterosexual man, I’m sorta just used to vaginas. What should I do, and what differences will I most likely have to keep in mind?

My comment was
> You will have to come to terms that you are not heterosexual.

5 minutes pass
> You have been permanently banned from participating in r/sex. You can still view and subscribe to r/sex, but you won't be able to post or comment.
> Note from the moderators:
> Misgendering violates our rules and shows the low value of your contributions to this discussion. Goodbye.

What does that even mean?

Why is the world like this?

How did we come to this?

No hate to lgbt folks, but why can't we be sincere?

Butt fuck is butt fuck

Enjoy the butt fuck

What am I missing Any Forums

Do I no know what the word hetero means any more?

(go back there)

Attached: TrL0A0POoj.png (975x553, 51.25K)

He is not a faggot, you are

>low value
don't make low value comments if you don't want to get banned, loser.

imagine using that censorship shithole known as reddit

I literally don't give a shit about other people's sexuality. If he feels he is hetero even though he fucks a transgirl it's in his right. Stop obsessing over this, faggot.

>I got banned for being an obnoxious faggot.
>Truly, this is a clown world! honk honk

You posted a completely useless comment just to dunk on tranners, on reddit, and came here to whine about getting told you're useless and to fuck off? I wish being a massive faggot was bannable here too so you could be sent back to whatever other shithole from whence you came.

that one is on me

but I don't understand how is that considered misgendering?

is the reddit OP hetero in this case?

This is why trannies looove being moderators lol

OP is obviously a faggot and so are you

>(go back there)
Whoa how do I get the go back there flair? Do I need reddit premium?

Hetero and gay never meant anything, there are only top, bottom and verse. That's it.

This is a ban message.
This is only issued on very rare occasion when the mod want to shame the poster.

>(go back there)

based jannies, as for op, I have a solution, stop using reddit.

>complaining about your deleted reddit karma on 4chin
How low can you get

>(go back there)

Not everyone is as insecure in their sexuality as you are, OP.

>(go back there)
Based mods?
On Any Forums of all places?

Attached: re (1).jpg (500x500, 46.06K)

Ebin op,, simply ebin
you should definitely continue trying to trigger the libs on reddit

compelling argument dipshit