Someone is cranky

someone is cranky

Attached: 1643814642081.jpg (1586x963, 802.23K)

Uh Oh someone made a poopie into her diaper

Attached: 1643504510207_1.png (600x3060, 1.66M)

Stay away from children.

she seems pretty based desu

You probably had a different intention when you made this thread but thank you. Thank you for showing me that I am still far away from rock bottom. It could all be so much worse. We should all be grateful.

OP, it's okay to have a diaper fetish, you don't have to be so ashamed. Everyone here knows that people are secretly attracted to what they outwardly hate, the /pol to /tttt pipeline is well established

It's actually extremely not based and fucking disgusting. I don't want to be thrown in the same basket as these degenerates.

Diaper fetishists should be shot in the head

kill with fire

Oh no I only posted because it was funny. I didn't mean for it to be repfuel
Anyway, here's the full version of the OP pic for your viewing pleasure

Attached: 1643829740084.jpg (1242x1737, 807.68K)

shut the fuck up retard

The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

Attached: 1639838502988.jpg (367x332, 31.61K)

It's based, but that doesn't mean I want to see it

i hate diaper fetishists.. i have to wear them for real and now everyone who ever finds out is gonna think im a daiperfag

Post your diaper haha that’d be funny

no its hard enough trying to hide it from my family let alone posting it online for ppl to obsess over

It's a medically substantiated use, why are you hiding it from your family?

cause its humiliating.. hey mom im wearing diapers now cause my meds are making me dribble and pee myself uncontrollably! i feel so ashamed

What brand do you wear?

unemployed rn so whatevers on sale at the time, most recent was fuckign pullups

This is why people hate LGBT btw

wait, you mean like spiro? Just ask your doctor/bathtub drugs provider for something else. Incontinence is a good reason to ask for a switch.

yeah ive been on a kinda big dose of spiro ever since i started hrt. idk it like is having results just messing with that one aspect and its the one the doctor prescribed me

Are you on injections or pills? Have you had your blood levels checked? You might not need that much of it.

I'm running on 100mg daily and it's just making me pee 2-3x more but nothing close to incontinence.

Injections/pills for estradiol, I mean.