Confused about something >.<

started prog recently and think i am no longer asexual I feel a little gross because of it what do I do?

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Fucking idiot

It’s okay to figure out what you like as you go. What do you like now?

I'm not an idiot :(

I have sexual thoughts about men :(

>what do I do?
Cry while I make your anus bleed.

i am disgusted by sex user

then don't have sex? I don't see your problem

but I am getting sexual thoughts which means I'm not asexual right?

>start hrt
>lowers libido
>oh I must be asexual
>start prog
>libido returns
hmmmm idk OP maybe you should think a little harder about this, were you asexual pre hrt as well?

yes I have always been asexual but with romantic attraction to men I never do any sexual stuff

there it is. the slutty tummy, just when youre notifying everyone youre officially a slut. neat.

Solution is to kill yourself

I'm not a slut and I didn't say that T_T

lols x

i started nofap and it's giving me sexual thoughts about snurly

i am not a being for sexual thoughts to be about

there is no think
only horny

I think that this is actually quite a common occurrence.

how do you feel about girl dicks?


but I don't want to not be ace >.<

I like men user i am not a penis fetishist

take this *rubs girl dick on your girl dick* uwu

Ah yes, my favorite skeletor made another cringe thread

No, you were self-hating gay before and had no interest in sex because society told you gay sex is disgusting. Then you trooned wrong and the hormones made you actually have no interest in sex. Then you started the libido drug and your libido came back but now you have brainworms about how you're supposedly "asexual" so experiencing sexual feelings is traumatic for you, as if it isn't a normal thing every human being on the planet has.

What do you want to do about it?
It might be a temporary thing, it might not, I guess just don't rush into anything

it sounds like you should try to slowly explore your sexuality to figure out what you might like or be okay with irl. Start small, treat it like exposure therapy.

What about sex disgusts you? Something to think about.

Maybe start with manga or something drawn rather than irl depictions of sex? Something that is more romance oriented but has explicit but vanilla love scenes.

You could just let your mind wander when you feel aroused and try to be okay with what you are imagining, it's okay to have these thoughts. it's okay to be apprehensive/disgusted about sex, since it's unfamiliar to you. over time you may get more used to it and okay thinking about it.

yeah idk i'd mostly consider myself asexual but sometimes i catch feelings for certain guys which is why i've never self described as 'ace'. imo the worst thing you can can do is treat your feelings as shameful or repressed rather than just accepting you like most people are in some ways a contradictory person.

i still think a romantic asexual relationship is pretty much the ideal but idk if those even exist beyond the 16th century

start exploring those thoughts slowly it happens to most people when they are much younger, so just go with it and don't push things too fast.

you are literally a meme

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Even if not asexual this is pretty common tranner timeline. Your male libido usually switches over to female libido and that can take time.

add bruises and cuts and its literally me

please don't

I am not skinny

I should be ace I was never self hating because I like men I was ace

I don't know it is just sickening

it just feels upsetting to me like an invasion of space it makes me feel sick

I want a romantic relationship and to go on many dates ^-^

but I do not want to have sex with a guy it is bad

no I am not a meme sex is gross

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>I do not want sex with a guy it's bad
a lot of us went through phases like that denying who we are. Eventually you learn to accept and love yourself and the feelings of conflict go away. It doesn't mean you have to act on the urges, but to deny yourself feelings is bad. We have no control over what we feel inside. There isn't a single drug out there that turns people one way or another, but we all change over time and things we were not previously aware of can awaken within us.

That fact you're having the thoughts is sickening or sex is sickening?
Of course you don't have to do anything if you don't want to! :)

guys how are you still falling for this lol

>don't have to do anything if you don't want to
unless it involves diapers apparently...

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I just wish sex didn't exist :(

>That fact you're having the thoughts is sickening or sex is sickening?

In truth both I just want to have a nice relationship with a guy that doesn't have sex

I do not understand user

I don't like diaper