Calling my transmasc bestie a faggot as a form of gender affirmation

calling my transmasc bestie a faggot as a form of gender affirmation

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This though. I want to insult FtMs bc they never have been insulted once in their entire female life

i mean he was constantly abused but fake homophobia is too funny

>i mean he was constantly abused
doubt it

i saw it some of it happen dont know what to tell you

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t. jealous hon

reminder that ftm don't get to reclaim any slur

reclaiming slurs is cringe just say them cause their funny

Women nowadays call it abuse if their mom doesn't use her preferred pronouns or when her mom kicks her out after not having paid the rent for many years of adolescent. and if you really have seen some of the so-called "abuse" then why didn't you report it? Because it probably wasn't abuse and women call everything nowadays abuse, exactly

Who gives a shit about “reclaiming” slurs ive been called just about everything in the book and I will say any slur because I can

Of what exactly? I'm not even trans

no matter what you hear from me about his experience youll dismiss it so idk why your still engaging

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This. if you have a breakdown over someone saying faggot, retard, nigger, or whatever, then you're an overly sensitive retard.

>so idk why your still engaging
I could say the same about you. Also, you giving up is just proof that there never was any abuse

i dont say racial ones cause i just dont find them enjoyable to use

I mean nobody said that you have to, I'm just saying it shouldn't matter

police said they couldnt just take letters sent to his house threatening things as proof, wouldnt accept proof of stalking and intent to harm as proof. refused to investigate the stalking and abuse at all, police were attempted but they did nothing.

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you still didn't tell me what "abuse" exactly happened. just talking around the bush

does stalking mean nothing? do you want me to list the times they got raped? like use your brain to think through the implications without me having to spell out every instance that happened to them

why is it suddenly a "them"? kek
and no, out of my own experience, stalking doesn't really mean anything. maybe he was raped, but let's be real. how you talking he probably deserved it

ftms get off to being called faggots because it gives them “gender euphoria”
don’t call the larping fujo a faggot i thought this was common sense

I called a ftm a ugly faggot in the last year of highschool once and he went just crying on for months about how homophobic i am so im not sure

And MTFs get off to the idea of being catcalled

every hs tranner is brain broken

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