Am I trans if I only have dysphoria because looking like a woman and having a vagina would allow me to date lesbians?

Am I trans if I only have dysphoria because looking like a woman and having a vagina would allow me to date lesbians?
(I hate straight women and find the expectations that are put on straight men very awful)

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I legit can't believe this isn't a terf larp, sorry


Just date a straight woman with different standards.

They don't exist.
It's not a larp, it's just that straight women are a cancer and being a straight male is a curse.

Bi women

Go T4T or date a bishit woman.
Lesbians are disgusting I don’t know why you’d want to be with one

I'm usually supportive and open to questioning people who are worried they're trans for "the wrong reasons" but you genuinely would be trans for the wrong reasons if you transitioned, and just kinda sound like an annoying incel lol

I am an annoying incel, yes.
Not real.

say no to hormones, take the gaypill instead

This has to be a larp. Lesbians are even more scrutinizing towards men than straight women.

Idk I think OP should take hrt because the idea of an actual cis incel (not the way that sometimes the term is thrown around) on hrt is just way too funny to me

Imagine all the terven lesbians saying OP doesnt have a dick so "uh hello I'm a lesbian¡ I date women", so he chops it off in SRS and afterwards many of them still dont want him, he chopped his dick off for dykes to still reject him lmfao

>I’m an annoying incel
>bi women? Fake >:(
Have you considered potassium chloride? I think injecting it would be a much better solution to your problems than estrogen.

I'm too scared of death to kill myself, I have thought about it many many times.

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You're digusting tr*nsbian and you deserve to be hanged. Fuck off, you filthy faggot.

transbians are mostly t4t

They do exist you lying troll, you could go date a blind woman from Syria and they’d have different standards.
What standards are you even complaining about?

Sounds like an im-not-a-tranny cope
Trannies in denial love to find ridiculous reasons to explain why they think being a girl would be good

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Bro, there's a much, much easier solution and that's to date men. Like, seriously, I prefer the male body but a lot of men are hot in their own way, especially Griffith looking motherfuckers, and as you said men are typically WAY nicer than women. Just open yourself up to the experience.

Also if you aren't actually trans you'll probably want to use your dick during sex. Most lesbians won't want you to use it while men would expect it.

Give it a try before throwing your life away like this.

t. bishit cis man

*I prefer the female body

fucking typo