Ok but why do they be like dat tho?

Ok but why do they be like dat tho?

Attached: FIxXlYYUUAIfaHZ.jpg (700x1141, 358.23K)

But they DO buy the thing thought?

Frfr no cap bro trannies r so weird they do this all the time

this never happens though

Attached: 1640195741491.jpg (2544x1800, 285.43K)

Happens literally all the time in western games.
Most notably the uglyfication of female characters.

Uglyfication has been happening before the troon pandering though
Western female designs are just ugly

who cares?

>another strawman comic thread with no basis in reality
what compels a person to post this

Attached: 18729.png (826x1105, 45.36K)

this was made in 2021? this feels like gamergoober shit

>Western female designs are just ugly
They have been getting uglier over the years.
Character like Lara Croft could not happen these days.
And even Lara has been made to look older and her chest has been nerfed in the last few games.

You're dense as fuck

>her chest has been nerfed in the past few years
Anything aside from her polygon tits is nerfed
Lara sucks anyways, boring character and vanilla as fuck

Attached: lara.png (298x537, 103.97K)

zayum you guys really are on the gamergoober shit. this is the exact shit people were complaining about on Any Forums in 2014

Sneed,dilate, walk dog

>"You're black as fuck", the kettle cries to the pot

>brings up valid point
>"she is stupid anyways"
GG was right.
It just got subverted by false-flaggers, who posted nonsense to muddle the original cause.

Damn you're more racist than me, just by equating black people to being unintelligent

name one game this happened to retard

This isn't even lazy anymore, it has to take a lot of effort to be as retarded as you

You brought it up, user.

Dude you picked one of the most vanilla women in video games and said she couldn't exist nowadays, I dunno what to tell you
This was only considered skimpy in the 90s

Attached: lara.png (1201x849, 1.32M)

>the uglyfication of female characters
how tragic

Tomb Raider, Horizon and The Last of Us just to name three that immediately come to mind.

And now compare the images of the Tomb Raider reboot with the most recent title.
You are obviously trying to misunderstand me.

okay how were they ruined by trannies? like one one is even forcing you to play them why do you care what a studio does with its games?

you can’t have cartoonishly huge tits if you’re going for hyperrealism in your game

Looks like Lara to me
She's even got quite the generous booba

Attached: lara.png (1400x1400, 1.76M)

Was Lara a twinkhon?