Holy kek. Also it seems clear like Saber is the first preference for Shirou in every route and he only settles for other girls.
1) UBW. Pines after Saber while literally having Rin by his side.
2) Heaven's feel. Only settles for the used goods when Saber is taken out.
So all of his misery could've been avoided if just confessed to Saber?
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My king
Even Rin prefers Saber to Shirou.
When Archer was Shirou, did he go through the same grail war? And also meet Archer?
Because Shirou being warned by Archer meant he could've very easily avoided becoming Archer by just believing his future self.
And if not, then there's really nothing he could've done. No challenges to his naive viewpoint meant no reason not to become a counter guardian. And therefore no reason to avoid the misery that would mold him into Archer.
Headcanon or did he actually love Saber?
I want to know the answer to this too.
F/E implies Mumei confessed but failed to convince her to wait for him like Shirou does in Fate.
Archer had his own grail war and we have never flund out who exactly the Archer for it was.
And yes he loved her. The VN TL unironically fucks it up a bit by changing one of the 'big' lines where Shirou calls Archer "The man who loves her (Saber)" in UBW to "The one who cares about her (Saber)" but Fate/Extra and other stuff since has kept up the implications that once upon a time he was in love with her too.
Multiverse theory suggests Rin always summons that exact Archer as there is no universe that happens "before" any other one.
You do realize that there are scenes of Shirou lusting after Rin in Fate, right?
>UBW. Pines after Saber while literally having Rin by his side.
Literally doesn't happen. He blurts out to Fuji-nee that he prefers Rin without thinking on Day 10. He barely pays any attention to Saber during his date with Rin. He is basically worshipping the ground Rin stands on by Day 7.
>Heaven's feel. Only settles for the used goods when Saber is taken out.
All of Day 6 revolves Shirou coming to appreciate Sakura's role in his life. There are far more indications of Shirou's attraction to Sakura than to Saber and it's not even close.
Some of you are extremely delusional and need to fucking learn how to explain why a ship you like is good instead of trying to formulate these retarded gotchas against other waifufags.
Retarded fucking nigger.
there must be at least one 5th war where Shirou is not Archer, based on the things he knows we can infer that he had Saber, figured out Lancer's real identity and became Rin's apprentice. He seems to know about Sakura's condition aswell
>after Rin in Fate
Looking at some things isn't preferring faggot.
>All of Day 6 revolves Shirou coming to appreciate Sakura's role in his life.
>Literally doesn't happen. He blurts out to Fuji-nee that he prefers Rin without thinking on Day 10. He barely pays any attention to Saber during his date with Rin.
You literally typed out why it shows Shirou prefers Saber everytime. The minute he spends more than a minute with her even routes of other girls, he becomes obsessed.
>Looking at some things isn't preferring faggot.
>"It's only natural. There's nothing I can teach you in this situation. If you really want to learn magic, you should do so after this war is over.
>And Archer isn't here anymore, right? My cooperation with you is finished."
>Being told that, I finally realize.
>From the beginning, we cooperated to fight Berserker.
>Berserker is gone and Tohsaka has lost her Servant.
>So——this should all have ended yesterday.
>"——Then what are you going to do now? Will you go to Kotomine?"
>…That would only be natural.
>Tohsaka and Kotomine are close, so it should be fine for her to request his protection.
>"Why? I won't go there when I haven't lost yet. It's not like I can't fight because I don't have my Servant anymore.
>And it's not like me to quit this halfway. Once I've decided to fight, it's my responsibility to see it through to the end."
As if it's only natural.
Tohsaka says it confidently.
>I'm stunned.
>…No, I'm not surprised.
>I already knew Tohsaka was this kind of a person.
>She is really firm,
>and amazingly selfish,
>and so fascinatingly brilliant.
>In other words, this is it.
>It feels like ages ago, but the Tohsaka Rin that Emiya Shirou admired was a girl like this.
>That's why I'm happy.
>Tohsaka has to be like this.
>After all, I wouldn't know what to believe in if such a stubborn girl decided to give up.
>The minute he spends more than a minute with her even routes of other girls, he becomes obsessed.
You definitely suffer from hallucinogenic schizophrenia.
>You definitely suffer from hallucinogenic schizophrenia.
Well, user. What you've posted is worse than what I described. If he actually looked at her thighs you could call it lust. The entire paragraph you posted shows....some admiration. KEK.
Jesus fucking Christ. Shirou fawning over Rin and describing her in the most glowing terms possible is ten fucking times worse for your case than if he were just lusting over some thighs, you stupid fucking retard.
Please give a single piece of evidence for anything that you're asserting because Saber is most clearly his least favourite in HF with Rin as his strong and definite second favourite.
>Shirou fawning over Rin and describing her in the most glowing terms possible is ten fucking times worse for your case than if he were just lusting over some thighs
Tell me fag, has a woman ever lusted after you? Or you as a man ever felt lust towards a woman? or are you a eunuch who isn't capable of such emotions? Look at this, crap.
>>She is really firm,
>>and amazingly selfish,
>>and so fascinatingly brilliant.
Hearty kek. Shirou has described some male characters as "amazing" along the way. Do you think he was lusting after their cocks?
Where would he have gotten Rho Aius if not for another Archer? Or did he get it from himself all the time?
The same way he got K&B from himself.
Thanks for the laugh user. You truly are pathetic in ways that I can barely fathom. Shirou lusts after all the girls, but lust isn't love. It's clear you're some teenager who cannot comprehend emotional connections that go deeper than mere sexual attraction and also highly illiterate. It's funny since you're doing a massive disservice to Shirou and Saber's romance because Shirou has plenty of lines like that about Saber. Whatever, it appears that Dora the Explorer is closer to what someone of your IQ level can comprehend so you should stick to that.
I'm sorry I held you to your words user. Don't worry user you'll move on from thinking handholding is lewd.
>Pines after Saber while literally having Rin by his side.
Go on. Prove it.
>Only settles for the used goods when Saber is taken out.
Prove it faggot.
>Go on. Prove it
>Prove it faggot.
It seems that I have upset you. Are you a Rhinofag?
Where's the proofs, sir?