>tfw Cerebus Syndrome hits just right
Tfw Cerebus Syndrome hits just right
user you goofball, put the subject in the name field.
I thought this manga was just about my rice cooker talking to me
NEED nano
This manga has always had a pretty downbeat undertone. Hell, the main character is constantly coping with the fact that, deep down, he's only with the rice cooker because it was easier than trying to find a human woman.
>the main character is constantly coping with the fact that, deep down, he's only with the rice cooker because it was easier than trying to find a human woman.
That’s actually why I dropped it.
It seemed like he was just marrying her because he could rather than any genuine affection, he didn’t love her more than a real girl, he just didn’t have any real girls interested in him.
And the manga never seemed to want to address that. Made the whole thing feel superficial to me.
When did you stop reading? If nothing else he clearly cares for her.
Looking back she's clearly into it and he's just sort of awkwardly trying to figure out what exactly their relationship is. I think the author wanted to avoid any question of consent so he made the mc a bit more spineless then he maybe should of. Even still the mc clearly cares for her and breaks out of his meek shell whenever he thinks she's in trouble
3D roasties aren't worth the time
I don't think that's true, user. Maybe that was true at the very start, but not now.
Is there ETA on next chapter?
5th/9th as usual
>as usual
I see, useful to know. I never pay attention to patterns like that. And I probably won't remember it either
why does she look so different now?
is the part with the obnoxious robot hater girls over yet? considering picking this back up if yes
Yes. It turned out one was a robot herself.
Latest chapter had the return of Mamoru. Who evolved into a chicken
Pretty much. You've been missing out.
>second spoiler
Wait, what? 35's the most recent chapter, right?
cool, thanks
Chapter 36 came out on Friday.
Well dang, my source is behind.