its finally finished. Goodbye inertia
Dasei 67%
They should have fucked.
>finally finished
bro it's been finished for like a month or two
nishida should've fucked any of the girls desu it was lame seeing him get nothing
It was a pretty disappointing ending. Just kinda ended.
So what does 67 points mean in this context? I don't really get it.
Hopefully Shimimaru makes porn of the slit eyed girl on her fanbox
Didn't really ever have a plot thread going, did it? Just an implied one for nishida eventually fucking something
yes please
This is the one with the sportsfucker slut who wanted MC's dick? The very fact that the author thought her story needed a character like that more than the MC having sex in stable relationship makes me feel good about never reading this garbage.
>the real Dasei 67% was the friends we made along the way
bravo shimi
That's usually what happens in ecchi series that aren't explicitly romcoms.
Post more Slit-eyed Cat Slut
i wanted all the girls to get boyfriends while mc gets nothing
I wanted all the girls to be my girlfriends including the mc
He'll die a virgin, that's good enough.
You could say it was only.... 67% done
A 67 out of 100 points day I guess
This manga consistently sucked and I'm extremely surprised it lasted as loooong as it did before getting the soft axe.
He should've gotten that stinky pussy bro
>the whore literally killed the manga
l m a o