Not to sound like a faggot but this manga hit way too close to home for me. It's the first time reading a series where I was genuinely struggling at points to push through because of how bleak its depiction of loneliness and social phobia is. I swear some of the imagery is going to give me nightmares.
Not to sound like a faggot but this manga hit way too close to home for me...
Guess nobody wants to talk about peak manga. Not surprising given the taste of the average Any Forums user.
>peak manga
traced and photobashed images is not manga. fuck off with this garbage.
Seething because it's better than your favourite series.
It might be a year before I get around to it. I just don't have the time I used to. Making money now.
You have to be 18 to post on here.
For me it's really heartwarming, I feel a lot like Satou, might be the character I've most empathized with.
I've read it and liked it but it was so long ago that I have forgotten most of it.
dropped this shit maybe 5 chapters in idk how you faggots can tolerate this garbage, maybe you're too young or immature
This bot is already getting old.
>dropped this shit maybe 5 chapters in idk
Absolutely filtered,. It gets good when the writer leaves and the artist is the one doing the story by himself.
isn't pic like this just like described? Nothing special
>when it's not about SHIPS it's about MOUNTAINS like WOAH so DEEP but so HIGH
Kek, you mfkers, I almost forgot where I am. See ya.
cringe to read.
MC can't handle the society, so he escapes by climbing a fucking mountain just so he can drink his pee because there is not enough water.
Come back when you're 18
It gets drastically better around chapter 30 or so. One of the writers left and it became a lot more introspective. It goes from a pretty generic sports manga to something much darker and genuinely mature.
>cringe to read
Compared to what?
This kind of "peak" manga (pun intended?) deserves a better thread to discuss, rather than starting one blogging about how it hit you right into the feels, or something similarly cringy.
Captain Kirk is climbing a mountain.
I wasn't really sure how to start a thread without just posting a picture and saying "discuss", so I thought I'd be genuine and kick things off from there.