ITT: no one's waifu
ITT: no one's waifu
Any girl from an older show that few people have seen.
I didn't watch Darling in the Franxx but for some reason everyone seemed to hate Ichigo so I'm guessing she's nobody's waifu. Is trying to pursue a boy you like really that horrible?
The issue wasn't that she's trying to pursue the boy. The issue is that she didn't pursue the boy sooner. Like so many other childhood friends she waited in a state of perpetual sloth assuming the boy would be forever available. She believed no one else would ever want the boy. That no one could ever feel for him. Then once someone new showed up and took a shine to the boy and naturally attempted to pursue him, it is only then and there that she acted. But by this point it was too late. She's only acting out of fear and obligation. She has no idea how to act around the boy because she never tried to get closer. She lays claim but never acted and we're supposed to feel pity for her.
I hate Mochizuki so much it's unreal.
This was my first waifu when I was growing up.
Anytime she showed up in an episode I was mesmerized. I never hear her discussed much. She has a figurine, so she probably is someone else's waifu out there too.
I didn't hate Ichigo. Probably my favourite among the DitF girls, although I have to say that I didn't really like the any of them. 02 x Hiro makes the most sense though.
Only people that hate her are the retards who drooled over the pink shit.
note: disappearance version
She was super cute too. Not enough content for her to be Waifu though. She should have been science bros wife though.
Both waifu material imo
btw, touhou has multiple manga, why aren't they dumped here more often?
You avoided such a huge can of worms, actually. Please don't watch it ever. Especially if you're into NGE and TTGL.
i hated that stupid bitch so much i didn't end up finishing the second season
>ITT: no one's waifu